I hate interrogation

Calmly sitting at his desk Leng Youyuan was the picture of elegance and power, but when the otherworldly man recounted the events of the day he felt bile begin to rise.

As the acidic substance rose to his throat he pitifully turned to the trash can while the pain continued to sting him. After a few seconds of retching he walked to his office bathroom, wiped his mouth, and sighed while leaning on the cold marble countertop.

"I really hate interrogating people."

- - - - (1 hour earlier)- - - - - -

Being viciously awoken by a loud alarm sound, since the employees didn't dare to shake him, Leng Youyuan groggily rose from the sofa that Secretary Wen had placed him on. Messily running a hand through his hair with his disheveled clothes he looked more like a model than a CEO. Slowly raising his phhoenix eyes to look at Secretary Wen, who was situated across from him he opened a pair of thin red lips. "What time is my meeting?" Of course while his appearance currently looked... very appetizing his tone was still blunt as ever.

"You have none except for Deng Zhao's interrogation at 12. Later at 3 the company will close to begin cleansing*." Slowly raising his head to look at his boss he began to both understand and pity Ms.Tang. Such a handsome man, but so bad at romance!

(*The company is basically going to sort out all moles, problems, and employees.)

"...What time is it now?"

"11:53 sir. Oh wait it's 11:54!" Secretary Wen lamented over his misfortune. Was his boss not having enough fun tormenting him during the day that he even needed to bring him a few gray hairs in his sleep?!

"Let's go then." Straitening out his suit with a few quick tugs Leng Youyuan resumed his dignified boss appearance before striding out the office doors with Secretary Wen behind him.