Shrill Voices Deal Critical Damage

Further curling herself into a ball Tang Fei continuously fretted over her text to the boss. She had sent it on a whim to encourage the boss, and was now wondering if he thought she was weird.

'Ahhh, if the boss finds me weird won't that cripple all my previous efforts!' Tang Fei inwardly cried. At this rate she would end up a lonely old woman with only Yaoyao to keep her company!

While Tang Fei sadly thought of the bleak future of her love life she heard a ding~. Slowly sitting up she nervously extended a pale arm towards her phone. Grasping the black smartphone she took a deep breath before looking at the screen. Thankfully the text wasn't along the lines of you're weird or stop texting me, but it still succeeded in leaving Tang Fei speechless.

"Ok. Thanks |( ̄3 ̄)|"

..Did the boss.... just send a kiss emoticon?

The cold CEO that always glared at her when she flirted sent a kiss emoticon? Has the world ended? Quietly sitting with a mix of shock and relief Tang Fei didn't move until her phone began to buzz. Looking at the caller ID she let out a groan. It was from her former law school classmate Hua Wuxin who had made it her mission to annoy Tang Fei half to death ever since she first meet her.

Leaning against the wooden headboard of her bed Tang Fei answered the call on the third ring.

"Tang Fei we're having a class reunion will you be there?" Hua Wuxin's high pitched voice loudly rang out momentarily causing Tang Fei to grimace from the pain it caused to her eardrums.

"No time for formalities I see Ms.Hua." Lazily Tang Fei replied to Hua Wuxin. Gazing at the phone's volume button she wondered if her ears would take less damage if she lowered it.

"Answer the question."

"I'll think about it." Tang Fei had no interest in going to those reunions full of bickering and mocking people. Preparing to hang up her slender finger almost reached the red button, but Hua Wuxin's shrill laughter interrupted her movements.

"Haha, of course you wouldn't attend! This reunion people will be bringing guests, and last I checked I don't believe you had a partner of interest.", mockingly Hua Wuxin laughed before hanging up.

Exasperatingly sighing Tang Fei sank further into her bedcovers. She was pretty sure the only reason Hua Wuxin called was to attempt to make fun of her.. and ruin her afternoon. 'Maybe I should just block her number?' Tang Fei seriously considered the idea, at least then her ears wouldn't take critical damage.

But then again there was also another way to more satisfactorily shut Mu Wuxin up.