That was entertaining!

Soon after, the group of ladies scurried back to their partners, leaving Leng Youyuan and Tang Fei time to relax.

"Ahh, that was quite entertaining was it not," Tang Fei sighed.

"Of corse it was," Leng Youyuan sarcastically replied. "You didn't have to accurately time an entrance, and prepare a speech." It's not like this was some Mary Sue novel, where everything went perfectly despite no planning or effort! But he had to admit it was a little, tiny bit amusing to see people's faces resembling a rainbow.

Hearing his reply Tang Fei sadly looked up at him. With her pale pink lips slightly quivering she dejectedly apologized. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was so troublesome. I just hoped you would've enjoyed some of it." As if she was on the verge of tears, her large black almond eyes appeared to water mostly annoying him, and slightly prickling at his heart.

Though, her thoughts were vastly different than her appearance. 'Leng Youyuan I'm not so blind as to the point that I couldn't see you smiling when those little rats scurried off. Let's see if you can still act so cold facing my Oscar winning puppy eyes!' Smugly Tang Fei ranted in her mind.

Facing her "critical attack" Leng Youyuan gave in. "....It wasn't terrible." Turning away from Tang Fei as he said this, he missed her quick smug smile at his faint blush.

She cheerfully bounced back hearing him ."Really, I'm glad." As if she had never been sad she sweetly smiled, while not forgetting to efficiently swipe some of the nearby pastries. Leng Youyuan was smart, kind-ish?, and handsome, but currently he couldn't compare with the temptation of sugar! Who cares if she gained a few pounds from it! It was her cheat night this week. Deciding to ignore her male god for a bit Tang Fei quickly turned to devour the food.

Looking at her devouring food Leng Youyuan suddenly had a premonition that food was more important to her than his existence, but he simply shook it off. Unhealthy sugar and oils couldn't possibly hold a higher rank than a friend.*