Hot Chocolate and Black Coffee

"She's late."

Leng Youyuan tsked in annoyance. That annoying woman was the one who kept sending texts asking if he was joking and he'd stand her up, but she ended up being the one twenty minutes late.

For some reason he'd somewhat missed not seeing Tang Fei bouncing around him all, and had become even more bored than usual at home with her not pulling him around to do stupid stuff.

While he often had to interact with investors and partners, he'd never had that many close friends… or girlfriends, so after sitting around confused for a while he decided to just invite the annoying woman out himself. That way he could figure out his… weird feelings and spend time with a friend.

Leng Youyuan nodded to himself, before resting his head on his hand while he lazily listened to the pittering sounds of the rain as it gently tapped the window panes. Moving his gaze to the black watch on his wrist, Leng Youyuan watched the clock tick. Right now it was 2:23 meaning the annoying woman was now twenty th-

"Hello~," a sweet voice rang out next to his booth. Thinking it was a waiter he turned with a blank face, only to the slightly rained on figure of Tang Fei.

She brightly smiled, "Sorry for being late, I got caught up in the rain." Tang Fei scratched her head sheepishly.

"It's fine," Leng Youyuan replied, and catching sight of her soaked top he smirked, "Besides, the rain definitely caught you."

Tang Fei sharply looked at her clothing after hearing the boss and sighed, "Ah geez, this is why you always have umbrellas in your car." Her top was now soaked and lightly see through due to the rain was in dire need of a coverup, and the boss happened to have a large black jacket available for use.

With a greedy look Tang Fei intensely stared at the jacket adorning the man in front of her, before sliding into the opposite chair. Opting to use her ultimate weapon, that Yaoyao said would gave her nightmares, she made puppy eyes at Youyuan Leng and his jacket.

"Do you need something?" With a raised eyebrow he nonchalantly addressed the woman across from him. "If there's something you want you'd have to tell me, I can't read minds." It was obvious that she wanted his jacket to act as a coverup, but he wanted to tease her a bit first.

Feeling the corner of her lip twitch, Tang Fei decided to abandon her pride to save herself from being leered at by the increasing number of people in the small cafe. "Oh dear majestic boss, could you kindly lend me your divine jacket so that I may save the little bit of dignity I have left~," she coquettishly pleaded.

"I'm good."

Tang Fei clenched her fist to restrain her anger, and instead answered with a strained smile. "Alright then, I'll simply ask one of the gentlemen here if I can borrow one of theirs." Having said that she attempted to stand up, only to have a certain black jacket tossed at her.

"I was kidding, so don't traumatize one of these poor people." Leng Youyuan said while stifling a laugh.

Visibly annoyed, Tang Fei sarcastically thanked the boss," I shall gratefully accept your help then." Finally having a covering she draped it over her body after sending Youyuan Leng a few sharp glares. The coat carried the bosses scent of peppermint and lavender, making the still angry Tang Fei blush in embarrassment.

"Excuse me, are you two reader to order?" The gentle voice of the middle aged waitress finally broke the one sided glaring contest between the two, and made Tang Fei shift her attention to the middle aged woman.

Leng Youyuan already knew what he wanted and after seeing Tang Fei nod in affirmation, he replied to the waitress, "I believe so."

"Alright then, what will the young lady be having?" The she warmly smiled at Tang Fei.

Returning her smile Tang Fei responded, "I'll have a hot chocolate."

The waitress nodded, "And for you sir?"

"I'll just have a black coffee." Leng Youyuan answered.

"Alright then I'll be right back! Also you have a very lovely girlfriend mister, make sure to treat her well!" The waitress winked before walking off.

"Hey, is it just me or does everyone always assume we're dating," Tang Fei giggled lightly.

Leng Youyuan gently snorted, "Maybe it's because your always clinging onto me, dear friend."

"Shut up." Tang Fei stuck her tongue out at him. "How can you call my love clingy~."

"I'm not going to respond to that."

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Shortly after their drinks arrived, and after a few more fighting words and vocal blows the two actually started talking.

Tang Fei sipped her hot chocolate, and managed not to choke on it as she listened to the boss tell her about a few "interesting" incidents that had taken place in the social circle.

"So she and the other woman both beat the cheating scum with purses after finding out he two timed, pfft that's a rarity!" Tang Fei brightly laughed.

"Yeah, it was pretty interesting to see him try to limp out with his bruised face." Leng Youyuan smiled. Conversing with the annoying woman was actually... pretty fun.

Tang Fei laughed a bit more before finally checking the time. "Geez it's already 3:47. I have to go home to help Yaoyao with fall cleaning!" She jumped up.

Leng Youyuan felt slightly disappointed for a second but quickly shrugged it off, and got up from his seat as well."Alright, we've already paid the tab, so we should head out before they kick us out."

"Okay see you next time boss!" Tang Fei turned around to give Leng Youyuan a quick hug, before running out into the now sunny outside. She was in such a hurry that she missed the severely red face of her dearest boss.

Leng Youyuan facepalmed in an effort to cover his blush and the quickness of his heartbeat. 'I think I'm in love'.