
"You see, a little birdie told me that Leng Corps main tech company had yet another piece of virus protection software that was developed for gamers accounts, and it was even better than the website protections that had been unfortunately... stolen and pirated."

Fang Hua narrated with a smirk. "And I just so happened to have... intelligence within the company, and a friend who had enough skills to break through a governments firewall, not to mention yours." She leaned forward to smoothly place her rather interesting neon blue cocktail on the sleek black table while coming to rest on one pale hand as she cockily sneered at Leng Youyuan.

Rather than feeling provoked and despairing Leng Youyuan felt a moment of realization. While she was cast abroad his cousin likely deepened her connections to the underworld, and to take the corporation she had waited until she had the perfect plan and crew explaining why she was back now. Well now that he'd likely figured that part out he could promptly deal with his cousin.

"So you stole the software and if I dint give up the company you'll release it or destroy its files, and have our company take a hit?" He sighed.

With a rather amused look she clapped her hands, "Exactly little cousin! I knew you were smart enough to figure it out."

"Pffft-." He almost couldn't hold back a laugh. Did she really think all that investigation was for show? Once he put together Gan Mei's information and Deng Zhao's it was clear that the entire stolen software case was to distract them and deliver a slight blow while they prepared for something bigger.

And according to Fang Hua's "little birdie" Deng Zhao it was to steal their next product. "Ms.Hua I regret to inform you that we replaced the files you believed to be the software were just some faulty code. The real one is hidden somewhere you'll never see." Leng Youyuan coldly stated with a sneer much more terrifying than his cousins almost playful attitude.

At that moment Fang Hua could not conceal the severe shock she felt behind smile anymore, and her eyes widened in surprise while her jaw hung slack. Of course it was only a second before she regained her composure. "Do tell me President Leng, how do I know you're not bluffing?"

With a swift movement of his hand he pointed torwardFang Hua's newest designer bag. "Just ask your "friend" to check it." He nonchalantly remarked.

After steadily glaring at Leng Youyuan for a few seconds she gradually reached for her phone and began dialing. Once the phone was answered she languidly strutted outside the room, but her vague shouts of frustration and rage could not be concealed.

Having watched all this dog blood family drama go down the bodyguards in the corner started to place bets on who would win.

Bodyguard #1: It's definitely CEO Leng who will take the victory this time

Bodyguard #2: I dunno, how much you want to bet that Ms.Hua could make a comeback

Bodyguard #3: Do you have no brain cells? It's obvious that she'll lose! Laozi's betting 200 yuan that President Leng takes the cake!

Bodyguard #1: Quiet down, she's coming back.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Looking incredibly aggravated Fang Hua cursed under her breath as she walked in. "That dog Ruyi Zhihao. He can't even do one job right!" In quick paces she circled the room, almost unaware of the people inside as she chewed at her nails in distress.

"Well then Ms.Hua," Leng Youyuan's smooth voice jolted her from her thoughts and inexplicably terrified her," I believe the next time we'll see each other will be in court." Having said that he stood up and motioned for Secretary Wen to come out from whichever dark corner he'd been hiding in.

At this point Fang Hua should've asked how where they found enough evidence to successfully implicate her, but having had her plans destroyed she could only sit and hold her head in her hands. Wondering how after 10 years abroad planning, scrambling, and striving to take back the company she was thwarted by her 26 year old cousin.

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Bodyguard #1 and 3:Told you so!

Bodyguard #2: 400 yuan.. gone….

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