
Everything seems relaxed in the pack house and everyone, I love seems to be around me. In the corner stands a faceless man. Holding a baby girl. She is crying, I am laying down with tear-filled eyes staring right at the baby with glee. Then it is all ripped away, by reality right at the good part of the dream. Ugh, now I have to wake up! I growl in frustration. Highschool, also known as hell for teenagers. It's a hormonal mess mixed with confused boys and girls.

"Honey, come down so I can make you a special breakfast for your first day." I throw the blanket back over me, so I can attempt to get that dream back.

Most girls expect easy classes, first dances, first kisses and a whole lot of drama sophomore year. I witnessed that going on with my brother Milo when he was my age. He was always with his best friend; who I can't stand even though he is next in line, to be Alpha.

  He is a cocky asshole, and I would rather die than be by our packs royal man-whore. There was a time when I liked being by him, that was BMAF. Which stands for before my aunt Flo. Which is another word for a period. My mom made it up just in case, I was ever having any problems and needed to discuss it, while the boys were around.

Anthony Hudson, the soon to be the downfall of our pack, son of John Hudson our Alpha. His father is a good leader, but he puts all his energy into his pack. Anthony would most likely push his father away anyway, even if his father tried to be there. He always pushes away the people he loves. Sometimes to the point where they are head over heels but in denial about it.

You see we started with a good relationship, but as soon as puberty hit him, everything completely changed. He started dating, and he was too busy for me. When I started growing more, he would never look at me the same. Like I was morphing into some kind of monster. I would end up walking into a room, and he would leave or make fun of me. It broke my heart seeing the guy I liked to call me names and make fun of me for no reason at all.

I thought he was so hot then and he was so sweet, I didn't know what exactly changed that. He didn't even try apologizing, he just said everything wrong and I would walk away and slam my bedroom door on him.

But who the hell cares about him not me anymore? Okay, denial again, I have always loved him, but he can't know that. Who am I kidding, I have already tried getting over him. Google didn't help much as well when I was seeking help. There is no 12 steps to getting over a guy, especially one you see daily and can't seem to shake off of you. I haven't seen my brother this whole summer, because he was busy traveling with his idiotic best friend. They wanted to live life to the fullest because this year at the age of eighteen they find their mates.

So why not hook up with random strangers, the whole summer? That is the most logical wisdom they have ever come up with.

Yeah, I got one phone call and it was drunk Anthony babbling about; how Milo missed me. That was fun, I wanted to hang up but I missed the sound of his voice. I feel so sorry for the one who gets them as their mates. Especially, Anthony. He would be a great guy if he wasn't a sexist asshole. Right now he makes a better poster then he does a spokesperson for a great mate.

For one, they have had so many uncommitted relationships it is sad. Two, they will be more experienced with sex. Women in our pack are not supposed to have sex unless it is with their mate. But the guys get to fuck anything in sight! Yeah as soon as I find a guy, that I feel safe with, he will get free entrance. They care more about their body count then, what they are doing with their bodies. So human girls are thrown away like trash. Male wolves only care for their mates, any other girl is trashed. Three, they have to start having kids a year after completing the mate bond. Trust me, if you mention kids, they will run for the hill, or at least my brother will since we have six siblings, five of them under the age of ten.

You see our father, got sick when I was little and died. My mom found her second chance mate and decided to turn into a human cannon. She is even expecting one now, so that makes her an octo-mom. I have a huge family that I get stuck babysitting. Don't get me wrong, I love my family, but when parties are out of the question because you have to take care of your siblings, it does not go on my top ten things, I love to do.

Ariana is my best friend. We are so close that we think alike. Except for the fact she has a crush on someone worse than Anthony, fucking the worst guy ever, my cousin Jacob. He doesn't come around much, and we were eleven the last time we saw him.

Like what the hell? She stalks his profile on Facebook. She is always on the H.G.A.L. which stands for; hot guy abs lookout. We are at that age where annoying boys are magically morphing into aggravating men. They go from being our best friends to hitting on you because by some miracle over the summer their voice got deeper. They most likely received the "talk" that every kid needs. Where babies miraculously now come from actual humans and for some reason don't come from the stork.

What do moms think, kids are, that stupid? Every time my mom would go in, I thought the weirdest childhood nonsense. I thought my mom dropped us out of an aircraft carrier with a parachute. I remember drawing a card and my mom got a kick out of it. She then gave me the talk, I was nine and ½  my brother was thirteen and she killed two birds with one stone, by telling both of us. It was weird we went into that conversation like; you are my brother, and I am your sister. We came out of the conversation like; wait what I have to eventually bleed and you just get a deeper voice. Okay, who is scamming me? 

Then we got the mate talk, my brother teased me saying no one would want an ugly girl like me as their mate. To be fair I had braces and bangs so that was a rough patch for my looks. But this fool had a mohawk. I think I made better choices. 

There was a time also Ari had a crush on my brother for weeks, I listened to her crushing on my brother. We were nine and she thought my skinny big brother was the most impressive guy in the whole sea of them.

The heart wants what it wants. I can't judge, I still think Anthony is hot. He also has a really nice body, so he isn't that bad to look at. Yeah, my morals went right out the door by thinking that.

I get out of bed to my mom screaming my name "Dianna Markus get down here and eat some food before all your brothers, leave you none!" That's right; I have six brothers. But in a few months, I will finally have a sister. That is what my mom says, even though she has no evidence to prove it.

There is Moses, Mathew, Mason, Max, Milo, and two-year-old Miguel. Too many M's if you ask me. My stepfather's name is Mark, so it stuck since they both had names that started with the letter m. My mom is planning to name her baby girl Dena; I told her that it sounds like a name for a stuffed animal, not a child. I hope it is not a girl, because, then I would have to share my tiny ass room. I also hope it isn't a girl because I can handle boys, but girls are a whole new story, she doesn't know the sex yet. That is just what our mom keeps saying, so we go along with it. She is pregnant and making her upset is like causing World War III, no one wants that.

My mom and I have similar looks, except her eyes are brown and mine are blue. Also, my hair is a little darker. I am very lean with very tall legs for my age. I then quickly get into the shower, after measuring my boobs to see how big they have gotten.

I do not want breakfast today, so let the rest of the wolves have it.

Being 15 isn't the best, I put on makeup because, without it, I wouldn't fit in, and I buy clothes that are in style instead of sweats and a tee-shirt. I put on my summer dress, that gives the allusion I have boobs. I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I dry it a little too, with fresh a towel that smells like lemon. I put on my new sandals and walk to my brother's car, it's not really a car it's just a two-seater ford truck. I fix my hair in the car just letting it stay down since it has natural waves. I know it is still hot, but I turn on one of the vents to dry my hair.  My perfume is under the seat, so I spray a little on me. My brother walks out in a black shirt, some old vans and black, denim shorts. He looks so effortlessly stupid, his hair is a mess like he just rolled out of bed. His outfit looks straight off the floor of his room.

I didn't see him last night after Anthony's birthday. He can now sense the presence of his mate soon. Maybe she can get him to act more mature. Nah she would have to be a part goddess to do that. My brother didn't do his hair, so he turns to me and says. "I know you're the only person in the world who can do my hair right. Will you please do my hair?"

I nod while rolling my eyes, "I hope you find a mate that can do your hair because I am not a hairstylist. Do you want it to be spiked at the top or just brushed well?" He thinks for a second.

"Do you have the stuff that smells good?" I nod, the stuff he is referring to is called hairspray. I quickly do his hair. 

He looks at himself in the rearview mirror for like five minutes, before starting the car.

"Don't forget to pick up Ariana. Mom said you have to, her mother is willing to pay for gas." He nods and focuses on the road. He pulls into the street, and I run as soon as the car stops at her house, I run out as fast as I can. I left all my good makeup there the last time I was there, so I quickly apply a few layers of mascara onto my thick lashes. She is in a strapless dress with a short sleeve vest. Her makeup looks perfect, as usual. She is gorgeous but tends to think she is not. No one ever really likes the way they look. 

We look into her wall mirror and take a few photos. Her mom Courtney comes up to me and gives me a huge hug. 

"My two favorite girls will have mates soon, how did you girls grow up so fast?" She hands us money and starts tearing up. I hug her goodbye and she waves goodbye, as we head to the car. As we pull out of the driveway, we both start to plan our day. We have all the same classes except for the last period; I have advanced English. I love reading and Ari loves avoiding books. We arrive at school a few minutes before the bell rings, so we run to the gym. There is a mix of all the students in every class, so there will probably be a few freshmen. The girls and boys get split up, so we get taught the do's and do not do's, or get extremely punished.

The class ends, and I rush into the hallway to get to my locker. Anthony runs right into me. Ugh. I hate him so much! I pick up all my damn things handing him his stuff, as I do so. I really want the give him the bird, but I decide I don't need to cause trouble. 

He doesn't say sorry he says  "Hey," with a huge goofy-looking grin.

I walk away, and he follows, "What the hell is your problem?" I ask clear as day; he keeps looking at me. It sends a chill down my back. I ignore him and open up my locker. I grab my books, and he is still there, he has the dopiest glare that I find a little cute. I brush it off with a cold glare. I slam my locker a little too aggressively. 

"Have a nice day Tony, "I say as I walk away holding my books close to me. What was his damn problem?
