Knowing Yourself For Is A Constant Exercise Not A One Time Deal, Unfortunately


May 23, 11:59 am, Canberra, Australia

Gadiel stumbled down the hallway, desperately looking for somewhere to hide. His body shivered in the cold, hospital air conditioning; he only had on the thin, plastic hospital gown, without even socks. Small droplets of blood fell from him nose and arm, marking the way he had come from down the hall.

Despite being the middle of the day in a hospital, there was no one else around. He even checked every room as he walked past them; all the doors were open for some reason. After the fifth door however, Gadiel decided to just keep walking down the hallway until the big reception station at the center of the floor.

The thing about not moving for about a week was that it meant Gadiel's muscles had gotten a bit stiff from not moving. They hadn't atrophied or anything; it was just taking a little for Gadiel to remember how to walk.