The Day Before

May 26, 12:25 pm, London, England

Something was wrong.

It was my lunch break, and by all means, I should have been taking it. I certainly deserved it, especially after all the overtime hours I put in. Not that I would get them, but I still put them in.

"Miss Kang, I really think-"

"Go for lunch without me," I said, waving my assistant off. She looked at me concerned.

I wasn't unaware of how I looked; hunched over a computer screen, hair in a mess, bags under my eyes. Of course, I still took care of my appearance. A touch of make up here and there, and fitted, ironed clothes did a lot to make it seem like I was just as put together as I had been at the start of this whole endeavor.

But to people that knew me, like my assistant and probably the Demon Lord, they could tell that I haven't been taking care of myself as well as I had been.