Mythical Beings Are Only Called That By The People That Don't Respect The Culture They Come From


May 28, 9:55 am, Canberra, Australia

It didn't take long for Gadiel and the police officer to clear out the building.

To be completely honest, Gadiel did most of the work. To the point where monsters were just starting to turn and run as soon as they saw him. From there, the policewoman volunteered to go out ahead as bait, so that the monsters would come to attack, and Gadiel could kill them.

Gadiel had a few problems with this, mainly that if she died, there would be no way for her to vouch that he was not the one who killed her. But getting all these monsters were more important than potentially getting sent to prison.

Besides, it wasn't like any prison cell could hold him. And Gadiel wasn't the uncertain, unsure uni student he used to be.