The Trick To Figuring Out The Trick Is To Know What Your Opponent Will And Won't Do


June 15, 10:39 pm, Paris, France


Tarik clicked his tongue as Amelie swung a sword down at him. He swerved to the side, and Amelie's sword hit the floor, her sword shattering on impact. The sheer force of the swing pulled Tarik in, despite his deft dodging, pulling him off balance.

"Ah f***," Tarik thought as another sword appeared in Amelie's hand as she swung towards him again.

Suddenly, something pulled Tarik back, out of Amelie's sword's range. Tarik barely had enough time to realize that Daniel had saved him just as Amelie's sword disintegrated before his eyes.


Before he could even get the word out, Amelie struck again with a new sword.

This time, Tarik made sure to dodge wide. Her strength was enough to shatter the swords she was pulling out of thin air, creating gust of winds that would pull Tarik in. If he wasn't careful, he would get sucked into Amelie's trap.