Generally, You Should Work With People Whose Interests Align With Your Own


June 15, 11:03 pm, Paris, France

There was a cold breeze buffeting the trio as they walked through the darkened streets of Paris. The same, slight stench of sewage permeated the atmosphere, the old lamps flickering every now and then. Most people were warm indoors, but a couple were out, drunk or otherwise, wrapped up in coats and jackets.

Thankfully, Tarik had picked up some jackets before coming out of the sewers. Elodie had been reluctant at first, but eventually gave in when he showed her the current weather outside. Hasan had looked bemused at the entire situation, then had shook his head, muttering about women.

Tarik was worried about that kid. But he didn't have time to think about that right now.

As they walked through the narrow, winding streets, Tarik couldn't help but stare at the billboards as he passed them. He hadn't noticed it before, but now that they had a healer with them, Tarik was taking in the sights a little more.