Plan and Story


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The first thing she noticed was that the floor was made of glass.

Sakura blinked slowly looking up and around her. She was standing at the edge of a circular room, a large door behind her. Large, stone pillars circled the room, rising up to a ceiling higher than Sakura could see. She squinted, making out something sparkling all the way above, noting the numerous balconies leading up. Whatever this place was, it was at least as tall as a skyscraper.

"What are you doing?"

She looked back down to see a large, golden throne, elevated on glass steps in the center of the room. She blinked in confusion, before Leopold stepped out from behind the throne, looking around.

"How did you bring us here?" he demanded, looking around, confused.

"I did this?" Sakura asked, confused. Then she frowned.

Hold on. Something wasn't right.