What Do You Do When You Realize That You Aren't Actually The Main Character Anymore?


June 29, 4:20 pm, DC, USA

"You can feel it too, right?" Gadiel had said softly. "Just behind the waves."

In...and out.

In...and out.

Strangely, it was only thanks to the waves of power rippling from across the world that Tarik had been able to understand. If it weren't for that, he was sure that it would have taken a lot longer.

But even then, he was sure that without Gadiel, he would've taken a lot longer than needed to figure it out.

Once Gadiel had received the text, he had grabbed Tarik's hand.

"Search for something with me," he said. "I think I know what this means."

Swallowing his annoyance, Tarik did as asked. He closed his eyes, breathing in and out...