The Best Way To Make Sure You're Not Being Followed Is To Check, You Numbskull


July 23, 9:36 am, New York City, USA

By the time Gadiel reached the top of the building, he was already out of breath. He took a moment to compose himself, leaning over and panting for a while.

Focus. Breathe. Focus.

He took in a lungful of surprisingly clean air and stood back up straight. He took in the sight of hundreds of flat, building rooftops, spreading out before him under a grey, cloudy sky. He narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to pinpoint where the energy signal was coming from.

Breathe. In...and out.



Gadiel's eyes snapped open. He turned, surprised, to his right. There was nothing there except a large, external ventilator.

But he knew there was someone there.


Gadiel barely managed to dodge the sudden metal spike thrust towards him. He blinked, only just realizing his body had reacted before noticing that the energy he was following was already moving.