July 26, 12:15 pm, Inside the Castle, USA
"Irade let me go!"
"And what, let you fall into that endless hole? Did you suddenly learn to fly?"
Sakura glared up at the girl holding her, but Irade ignored her. Sakura gave up struggling at that point; she knew that the battle was lost.
Worriedly, she looked up at the block of ice they had dropped down from. She wondered if the boys would be alright.
"It's fine," said Irade out of the blue. "They'll be fine."
Sakura felt Irade's one arm tighten around her body, and mentally sighed. This was not the time to be worried. Sure, Irade might be physically stronger than her, but Sakura had an obligation as an adult to make sure that the girl didn't fall into depression.
Well. Not to fall back into depression.