Bit Parts (Part Four)


July 26, 12:38 pm, The Throne Room, Inside the Castle


An inhuman scream escaped the girl's mouth, shattering Gadiel's eardrums as he fell back on the ice pillar. His vision went blurry and wobbly, his sense of balance completely out of whack. He gripped the edged of the ice pillar, trying to keep himself steady despite staying completely still. He felt he way swaying, that the pillar was rocking like a pendulum, trying to shake him off, his knuckles white on the edge of the ice.

Above him, he could feel a thousand eyes instantly turn to him, targeting him. He groaned, gritting his teeth, trying to look up, but the inhuman scream was keeping him down.

"That's ENOUGH!"

Suddenly, the sound cut out. Gadiel gasped in relief, still gripping the sides of his pillar. He felt like he needed to throw up, and he could feel his ears bleeding.