The aftermath

Fudo-San cleared his throat to his team. " Let's check the next event," he said as he walked away. Testu smiled.

After hearing their public confession Arata stormed down the hallway. He was upset and felt so used that he kicked the wall. That's when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. He turned around and instead of Aimi-chan is was Fumiko. She looked up at him ," I told you so." he pushed her off of him. " you are just a plaything to her. She does not care about you," Fumiko said. " Shut up! You are wrong! She loves me and she is mine!," he said in frustration as he glared at her. " How ? She is his GIRLFRIEND and they just won best power couple. Do you really think she is going to give up her status and title to be label a whore? And you a homewrecker...horrible bestfriend?" Arata screamed in frustration as he punched the wall repeatedly until Fumiko stopped him. Arata was hurt she wiped his tears and kissed his lips. But he was not interested. " if you truly want her to be have to actually date me. Not be a half ass excuse of a boyfriend. Like be there show up kiss me like you mean it. She will know the difference," Fumiko demanded. "BUT I WAS THERE.." he shouted. " you offered her my caring boyfriend would ever do that. you saw her at the maid even stated you can replace me with another girl...if you go back to changing girls. You dont think she will not know that you aren't over her....half ass". she said looking into his eyes concerned.

" why are you helping me?" he asked. " Because I know she doesnt love you and I want you to be mine. Now if we have a deal kiss me like you mean it," Fumiko demanded. He looked at her before kissing her passionately. She locked her fingers in his hair and he grabbed her butt.

Denji and Aimi-chan smiled as there picture was taken for the newspaper. They both won a sas and Aimi-chan was handed a bouquet. They even kissed for the paper before walking off stage to find their friends. They did shake Miko and Toki's hand before running into Rita. " Congratulations best friend. I knew you guys would win. Should we go celebrate?" Rita said. "sure", Aimi-chan said ,"let's just find Arata and Fumiko and we will be ready to go." Rita nodded as she sent her boyfriend to get their things. Aimichan and Denji walked a little farther down to where they thought they heard Fumiko's voice. As they turned the corner they blushed. Arata and Fumiko was full on making out up against the wall. Her moans made Aimi-chan turn around. Denji cleared his throat loudly. The couple looked up and smiled. "sorry... um....are we going to celebrate?.... just give us a minute " Arata said panting as he looked at Fumiko. Denji nodded and grabbed his girlfriend. They speed down the hallway back towards Rita. " woah" was all Denji could said. Aimi-chan was in agreement. She couldn't believe her confession to Denji would cause Fumiko and Arata to become closer. She hugged her bouquet tighter in frustration.