Last Straw

Denji didnt return to school until Wednesday as it took him 2 days to get the drugs out of his system. On Wednesday denji really believed it was the bad sushi since Aimi-chan was also out. Arata and Fumiko was a bit concerned but was glad to see them both on Wednesday. both were a little pale during lunch but they were okay. " We will never go to that sushi place ", Fumiko said as Aimi-chan nodded. " yeah that food is bad...." she said looking miserable. " maybe you both should go to the hospital and get checked out" Arata said concerned. Aimi-chan and Denji said they had been and just needed rest.

On Saturday the gang went to the arcade and then out karaoking. Denji enjoyed himself but he never let Aimi-chan out of his sight. He just didnt trust her no more. As the boys sang Aimi-chan excused herself to the restroom. Once inside she ended up vomiting. She didnt feel well. When she finish she was a little surprised to see Fumiko also in the restroom. " are you okay?" Fumiko said. " I don't know I have been throwing up alot". Fumiko eyes widen," Are you....pregnant?" Aimi-chan shhhs her. " I dont know. Do you think I might be? I mean I really just think its food poisoning," Aimi-chan said shyly. " Let's just... double check," Fumiko said. " Okay.... wanna do it maybe monday? my mom has me cleaning the house tomorrow,"Aimi-chan asked. Fumiko nodded, " I'll meet you afterschool with the test. " Aimi-chan nodded. This was big news but she did not want to say anything until she had solid proof.

Monday afterschool Aimi-chan sat on the stall and peed on the stick. Then she handed to Fumiko. " holy shit" was all Fumiko could say. After flushing and washing her hand Aimi-chan check it. " I'm pregnant ", Aimi-chan was shocked. Fumiko was shook. She didn't know who the father was but either way it was gonna be bad. " Whose the dad?" fumiko said. Aimi-chan shot her a bitchy look. " Who else its Denji. We had sex." Aimi-chan said. fumiko was surpised. " Arata had mentioned you two were waiting," fumiko said digging. " We stopped waiting. I noticed Denji's affection was drifting. I cant have another girl after my man." Aimi-chan said. " another girl?" fumiko said. Aimi-chan nodded. " he loves me but he has changed so I had to remind him. I'm glad I did because that sex was good. his size was ", Aimi-chan blushed. Fumiko was shook. " I see...when will you tell him?" Aimi-chan looked down. " I'm scared", she sighed, " but I have to tell him so we can figure out what to do. " aimichan said as she leaned against the wall. " I'll try to tell him today or tomorrow....dont say anything until after I tell him." Aimi-chan begged. fumiko nodded as she wanted to know denjis reaction before telling her brother.

Tuesday evening while Denji was taking out the trash he got a text from Aimi-chan.

A: hey park now?😘

D: okay😗🤔

Denji headed to the park afterwards and saw her standing in the playground by the bench and swing set. denji greeted her with a hug before taking a seat. "so?" denji said curious. " I'm pregnant.....and your the father." Denji froze. that news hit him like a ton of bricks. " huh?! how?" he says. " we had sex on your birthday. We didn't use a condom. I am overwhelmed. Fumiko helped me take the test. I only... found out yesterday ....babe what are we going to do?' Aimi-chan explained. " nothing.... " denji said. "huh", Aimi-chan said confused. " I am not going to do anything," denji said processing everything. " denji seriously what are we going to do. Should we keep it or get rid of it? I would prefer to keep it and we could... possible raise it together?" Aimi-chan said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. denji looked down at her" Aimi-chan.....we are over. I'm breaking up with you. So.... maybe just give it up for adoption if you want to carry it to term..... but I will not be with you....and I'm sure as hell not raising that baby." Aimi-chan was not ready for this. Denji never said no to her. " huh what....excuse me?" Aimi-chan said getting upset. " its over," denji said removing her arms from his waist. "so that's it. you only wanted me for my body. denji...I love you and I thought you loved me too. I thought you were different but the moment I get pregnant. You do not want to man up.But I was still your girlfriend when you sleep with me. Denji I'm so disappointed in you," Aimi-chan said as she hit Denji in the chest. denji stopped her and said," you can be mad about it but i don't want to be with you. " denji said as he walked away. He just could not take her anymore.

Denji took a few minutes and punched a tree before heading to Fudo-San house. Fudo, aiko and Fumiko were having a late night study session when Denji entered. " what's wrong? " fudo said concerned. " I'm sorry guys. I messed up the plan. me and Aimi-chan broke up. " the three of them was surprised. " why" aiko asked. " she's pregnant and i fucked her on my birthday. I'm soooo sorry Fudo," denji said upset. " how do you know you fucked her?" fudo said. Denji showed them the pictures. Aiko and Fumiko was shook. Fudo was jealous but he had enough. " you didn't fuck her. That's why she drugged you,"fudo said grabbing his ipad. The three looked at him. " did you all really think I would not check the love hotel cameras. denji when I found you, you were almost naked with threw up on your face. I thought that was strange so I had my men dig. All she did was give you some head before you threw up on her. see," Fudo said as they watched the video. denji blood boiled. " I can not believe her. she's dead", denji said. Fudo smiled.