Who killed Katherine? (Part 2)

As the bloody lifeless body of the damsel lay on the Forrest floor. Questions fill our heads, what? who? when? And why? But to understand this story, let's travel back in time. In a postmodern Kingdom called " Opulent," where the name tells it all. From the lush green gardens to the well-farmed mountains. With houses resembling that of historic mansions, well-chiseled stone walls encamping around palaces perfectly matches these stone roads. Just outside the busy town, with movements from carriages and people alike. By the way, they dress, you could tell this Is like living in Hollywood. Through the gates of the Parsons' residence, up past the east and west lawn, then through another gate, stood a mansion beyond your wildest dreams. Occupied by father (David Parsons), mother (Elizabeth Satcom-Parsons), brother (Samuel Parsons), and daughter(Katherine Parsons.)

The Parsons family owns the second largest farm in town and the largest sugar factory. The sugar factory was on the verge of shutting down, and father David couldn't allow it. The Parsons are friends to the Vandams who js the wealthiest in the town. Owning a vast amount of land, farms, buildings, and businesses, Father Elijah heard of the Parsons crisis and decided to help. But just like today, no help really comes without a repayment. You see the Vandams was also known for having a son called Charlie, Charlie was the village "male dog." He could have any girl he desires and probably did have them all, all but one. Katherine was a girl from a classy family, but she was a girl with beauty and brains. She had turned down Charlie's various attempt of seducing her, and even once literally fought him off. But this only makes Charlie more determine to one day, claim his prize.

In 1832, Katherine then aged 18 sneaked out the house to the stable to ride her favorite horse, Ruben. She rode Ruben all day until it was almost time for her family to return back from the town. Ruben was frightened by a mouse down by the pond, as he railed, Katherine was thrown off into the pond. A young lad around the same age who was mowing the lawn saw and ran to her rescue. As he helped her out the pond, her eyes were filled with emotions as she looked at the sweat falling down his perfectly symmetrical face. Her heart leaps at the sight of his blue eyes.