Chapter 10


The man glared at Natsu with bloodshot eyes as if he couldn't believe what's happening, well he really didn't, "I don't believe this. Lightning Titan's Might!"

Large current of lightning arcs appeared from the man's mouth, heading towards the trio. With Jura's state right now, he would've died if he was hit by this attack.

Natsu just narrowed his eyes and appeared in front of the saint and cat duo, with his back facing them.

Then, he waved his hands and countless numbers of burning earth pillars connect with each other emerged from the ground.

The two attacks made contact and caused a large explosion.

The man stared at Natsu with shock and unwillingness, "This can't be happening, no, this is impossible, how could a puny dragon slayer like you match me? This is impossible."

"I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS! LIGHTNING TITAN'S DESTRUCTIVE PALM!" The man appeared in front of Natsu with a lightning speed and send a palm covered by a very condensed and powerful titan's lightning.

Natsu crosses his arms to shield from the attack, but the force was too strong that he was sent flying at the sky.


More and more lightning sparks gathered around the man as he crouched, and with a powerful force, jump to where Natsu is.

The force of his jump was too strong that it blew away anything from tens of meters, good thing Jura reacted quickly and made a rock dome to shield himself and Happy from the shock wave.

At the sky-






The man keeps sending barrage of lightning fast punches as the two of them just keep on getting higher and higher.

Then, the man appeared above Natsu and kick him down to the ground.

Natsu felt his body getting ripped and for Mavis' sake, getting burned, he, a fire dragon slayer, felt himself getting burned!

So, he focused his magic power on his scale and made them expend to his entire body, as felt that the part where the scales covered isn't affected by anything.

Natsu shot down to the ground, causing a large explosion and a deep crater reaching up to five meters.

The man appeared once again and stood at the edge of the crater while panting, looks like all the attacks he made took a toll on him.

He even lose his cool just because this dragon slayer just dared to do, and even succeed, to eat the titan's crystal, which in the entire history of titan slayer, has never been done successfully.

The most they could do is to implant the crystal to someone, granting them the artificial titan slayer magic, bit even that has a very low chance of survival, and he was one of the lucky ones to survive.

He was pissed because someone obtained the same power as his without much trouble, while him, on the other hand, had to endure months of torture just to get his body ready to receive the magic.

Even with that, it still took him seven days and seven nights before the titan magic fused with his body, during that time, his body felt like being electrocuted every second.

The smoke began to dissipates and the man glared at the center of the crater with a very focused and serious look.

Suddenly, his eyes grew wide as disbelief was written all over his face.

There, at the center of the crater, is Natsu dragneel with his entire body covered by reddish-gold scales, from head to toe.

Draconic looking horns also sprouted from his head along with a two meter long tail.

In fact, if weren't for his salmon hair and the white scarf wrapped on his neck, you wouldn't even recognize him as Natsu.

"I-Im-Impossible! You shouldn't have survive all that!"