Chapter 16

"That's right, It's me. I came here to talk to you, Natsu Dragneel."

"Okay? What do you want to talk to about?" Natsu said as he sat down and took his eyes away from her before glancing at the moon above.

"First, let me introduce myself, I'm Ultear Milkovich, and this girl here is Meredy," Ultear introduced herself along with the girl, Meredy, "And, we were there when the Tenrou disappears."

Natsu immediately became serious but managed to hold himself down, he glance at Ultear and asks, "What happened? And how did you even know about the location of Fairy Tail's sacred land?"

Ultear quickly felt ashamed and gave Natsu a sad smile, which confused the dragon slayer.

"Actually we-..." Ultear then began to explain about how she was a member of a dark guild, about how they came and attack the fairy tail members at Tenrou.

She also explained about how Fairy Tail beat them and about why they came to Tenrou.

"...-I'm really sorry, I know that my apologies cannot bring your friends back but, this is the least I could do, It was our fault to begin with." Ultear bowed and apologizes, "you can hit me amd beat me all you want, I won't resist."

Natsu stood up amd walk towards Ultear before raising his hand, as Ultear just closed her eyes while Meredy wanted to protect Ultear but didn't make a move.

In the end, the pain that Ultear was expecting didn't come, but she felt a hand on her shoulders, lifting her head, she saw Natsu looking at her with a smile.

"... From what you said, Fairy Tail beat your asses and won ," said the dragon slayers as the daughter of Ur stared at him in shock, "no need to blame yourself, it was not you guys that caused my friends to disappear, besides, those guys already did a number on you, there's no need for me to hit you."

Ultear stared and was mesmerized by the dragon slayer's face, though he isn't really that handsome compared to some guys she have seen, there's just something that he has that caused the time mage to feel something different.

It couldn't be called love, no, Ultear Milkovich isn't that easy to fall in love, admiration, perhaps, but her heart is tightly shut to feel the warmth of love from a man.

In the end, she just gave the dragon slayer a smile, "You are really weird, Dragneel. Though I guess, that's what makes you special."

"I'm not weird, how come everybody say that?" Natsu grumbled with a pout as he crossed his arms to his chest.

"Fufu~" Ultear laughed as she finally felt at ease, "well, i don't know if this makes you feel better but, before Acnologia sank the Tenrou, i saw a large golden sphere envelopes the island before it disappeared."

Natsu's eyes quickly sparkled, the chances are low, but perhaps, perhaps the Tenrou group are still there! Its Fairy Tail's sacred land after all, there should be at least one or two mysteries behind it!

That golden sphere might have been some sort of a barrier, and protected the Tenrou group along with the island before Acnologia could attack.

"That information is already enough, I believe in my friends, I'm sure that theya are alright, I, we, just have to wait and they will surely return!"

Ultear just smiled before taking out a a black-colored lacrima that seems to have a burning black flame inside it.

"Take this as gift, it is a lacrima that grants those who possessed it the power to slay gods," Ultear explained as Natsu stared at her in shock, "this was originally owned by my guild mate, Zancrow, but he already died and I found this, so i took for myself."

Natsu look at the lacrima then back to Ultear as he gave her a conflicted smile, "This-... I can't accept this, it belongs to your guild mate I-"

"Just take it, you said that you wanted to make Acnolgia pay right? Then you need all help you can get to be strong, Acnolgia sank an entire island with a single breath attack you know? And i doubt it was using its full strength."

Thinking about Acnolgia, Natsu clenched his fist as he felt his rage boiling, but he soon calm down thought that Ultear was right.

Guildarts almost lost his life fighting the dragon, the Tenrou sank due to its breath attack, and it was even hailed as the Dragon of Apocalypse!

Even though he don't want to accept it, he knew right now, even with that titanic-dragon form of his, he still couldn't see himself standing a chance against that abomination.

Making up his mind, Natsu decided to accept the lacrima, "then, thank yoi for this," Ultear smiled and shook her head,

"No need for thanks, it's the least we could do." Natsu look at her for a long time, making the time mage uncomfortable as she began to fidget around, it took a while before Natsu decided to ask her, "by the way, what are your plans after this?"

Ultear was a bit taken aback by the question as she glance at Meredy, who is just looking at her as she smiled.

"I don't know," Ultear replied as she omce again set her eyes at Natsu, "probably travel around or something, trying to make amends for our sins."

"Is that so? If you like, you can join our guild!"