Chapter 34

Three months have passed since the guild master meeting, and the long awaited Grand Magic Games is nearing.

Everyone took countless of hard jobs and train themselves, just so they could prove that Fairy Tail is still the strongest in country.

They have heard from Kagura about what happened at the meeting amd honestly, it made their blood boil.

Currently, Natsu was having a spar with Kagura in front of the guild.

"Well, well, you have improved so much Kagura, I guess that you have no problem fighting with some powerful S-class mages now,"

"Thanks, but it still not enough!"

Then, Kagura launched herself at Natsu as she adapts a pointing stance with her sealed-sword.

Natsu just smiled as he caught the tip of her sword with his palm, something that shock the sword-mage for a bit but she quickly reacted and sent a kick aiming at his face.

He was about to dodge when he felt gravity increasing surprising for a bit, causing the kick to hit him in the face.

"Well, that sure packs a lot."

Kagura narrowed her eyes and continue attacking, slashes after slashes, kicks after kicks, all has been easily dodge by Natsu.

"Gravity Change."

Natsu still smiled even with the increase of gravity, he already got used to it after sparring with her for more than a few times now.

Though he's speed still decrease as he already find it hard to dodge every attack that Kagura sent and decided to block.

"Slashing Form."

Kagura lunges at Natsu with her sword prepared to strike and slashes at a very high speed. Natsu could barely keep up with her attacks but still, he received no damage.

Kagura, noticing that she won't be dealing any damage to him, increase the gravity around him and decrease the gravity on her, increasing her speed several times.

Natsu can still dodge her attacks but it is much harder than before. Natsu's nose suddenly twitch as he felt someone suddenly appearing, he grabbed Kagura's sword and motioned her to stop.

Natsu glance at the person that suddenly appeared and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

"Why are you here, Mest?"

Mest just sighed and replied, "The council is calling all the saints, I need you to come with me, It concerns the safety of Ishgar."

Natsu frowned but still nodded his head, he glance at Kagura and said, "Kagura, tell the guild that I'll be leaving for awhile."

"Sure, take care of yourself, Natsu."

"I will." Natsu smiled before turning his head at Mest as he nodded, "Let's go."

"Grab on, the meeting will take place at Crocus, on the royal palace."

Natsu grabbed his shoulder and frowned, he didn't expect for the meeting to take place in the royal palace.

'Could it possibly that the threat Mest is talking about, is centered around here in Fiore?'

He didn't have the time to ponder about it as Mest and him already teleported away from the guild, leaving Kagura alone, staring at the place where Natsu disappeared.

'It concerns the safety of Ishgar, and all Saints are required to attend the meeting, this is very dangerous, I should tell the guild to prepare just in case.' With that, she turn around and head back towards the guild.


Crocus, Royal Palace.

In the conference room, the king, along with his daughter can be seen, several councilors are also here along with some of the saints.

Then, Mest suddenly appeared along with Natsu.

"Natsu, glad to have you here." The very first one to greet him is Fiana, she stood up from her seat and patted Natsu's back.

"Glad to see you again, Fiana." Natsu greeted back with a smile.

"Hahaha! Right! Right! Glad to see you too, I reserved this seat just for you, come, come!" Fiana smiled and drag Natsu behind her as she pushed him to sit at the seat beside her.

Natsu glance at Hisui and smile, "Long time no see Hisui, I hope you're doing well."

"I'm fine Natsu, thank you for asking, and It has indeed been a long time, let's spend some time to talk after this meeting, if that's alright with you?" Hisui smiled.

"Of course! I would love too." Natsu gave her his trademark grin before he proceed to greet the king and the rest of the saints, he didn't bother to greet the councilors.

Meanwhile, Fiana was looking at Natsu and Hisui back and forth with narrowed eyes.

'Are they perhaps-? Nah~ I'm too paranoid, she's too young, at least 12 years old, and Natsu is 17-18 years old, no way, unless he likes them litt-'

"Well, looks like God Serena won't be joining us in this meeting then, so let's proceed." Gran Doma's voice echoed throughout the room, silencing everyone.

"We have received some grave news from our spies, the guild Smiling Reaper is planning something dangerous. We don't know what it is, but our intel said that the guild has an army of hundreds of hundreds of titans with the weakest one being a S-class level while the stronger ones are at the Gods of Ishgar level."

The entire room was filled deathly silence, they couldn't utter much noise. Natsu was too shock hearing the numbers of titans.

He have fought one before, and a single saint titan is too much for a single saint, perhaps to fight a saint level titan, then they needed to confront it with two saint level mages.

"That's not all, the intel also stated that the strongest titan is so large that its height reaches up to hundreds of meters, it can also use all sorts of elemental magic."

'Damn! How the fuck would we even fight that thing!?' This thought was shared by everyone present.

"We don't know what their goals are for coming here in Fiore, but we know that it can't be anything good!"

'No shit! What do you think they will do here bringing an army of oversized abomination? Parade?' Natsu sneered before he let out a smile as he smelled someone familiar.

"Well, we do have some knowledge on why they are invading Fiore."

An unexpected voice suddenly interrupted their meeting as all saints present prepared for battle.


"Ara~ ara~ no need to be so tense, I'm here to help." The person said as the person walk towards Natsu, the saints tensed and glared at the person.

The person stood in front of Natsu with a smile, "I guess fate really wills it for us to meet again, Dragneel."

"Indeed, so you'll be joining my guild now, Ultear?"