The Conquest II

The Tuwns

The Tuwns was a tribe that comprised of Some 30 members.

Head Master/Noble Man: Haveu

Predecessor tribe: --

Successor: Merged with Townsvalley.

The Noble Men

The noble men were the heads of the tribe , their duty was to protect the tribe and guide the tribesmen when they needed. Their wealth was not that much. But due to the respect they were able to gain , earned them a nice living . The tribesmen swore to give their life when needed. Although they did not have much power or authority but they had some Authority over who to allow or reject.(when someone wanted to join the tribe).

Quyo Tribe:

The Quyo Tribe compries of some 200 members , the largest tribe of The Land (Townsvalley).

Noble Man: --

Predecessor tribe: --

Successor: Merged with Townsvalley

The Land:

The Land was the previous name of Townsvalley. A Picture of the land is like this;

It is a land curved from all sides , A sea goes around this land. But from the south ,there is vast plains and mountains. (No sea) , the Land is perhaps named "The Land" because it is a mixture of plains and mountains with the sea on the north. So when the tribesmen saw the plains they just thanked God and said "The Land is a gift from God" maybe , its a rumour that this is how the name was given , although there is no proof that this is true. But the words "The land is a gift from God" was found carved on a large stone.

The land has plains and mountains as previously mentioned , The thing that nobody discovered is because there was nothing special In this land. For other nations basically. So there were travellers. But people left the land as it was. The north area of the land has sea farther from the sea are ice mountains. So the weather of the land is mostly cold but there are certain times of the year when the summer season kicks in.


Townsvalley is basically a large strip (some 100km wide) ,it starts from the north and ends in South ,but only the middle area of the land. East and West are not Conquered. Right now there are no divisions (provinces/states)

Monarch: King Novagen


The King Has Now reached towards the end of the north ( in previous chapter he ran towards north for water and discovered the sea ).

Novagen on Horse said:

"We should wait here, We have reached the sea, I don't think we need to expand beyond that at this time"

"Take rest men. Tomorrow we shall expand our territory, and I will set out rules and I will guide you"

"It will take me three Years atleast to build a system , and for that , I will have to hundreds of places to see how people live"

"MY KING, Who will take care of us when you're gone?" - asked Chrisht

"you Chrisht, you...."

"I hereby appoint you The Great Prince of Townsvalley army. , Of course.... I will take care of everything. But when I'm not here , You will be the guide!, and remember this, you are NOT next in line to the throne Chrisht"

Chrisht Joy was immeasurable,

"Listen to me MEN!, YOU will now call me Cameron! , This name marks the day I was sworn as the prince!, we will take over the world!"

And so townsvalley kept expanding ,

And in 2.5. Years townsvalleyian borders were all over the LAND , there was no one left to rule except the King, He toured countries and saw their works. Then The time came, for the official Rules of the country.

"Listen MEN!!! Today I will declare Set rules for our Country" – Said the King

The crowd became noisy due to the vigour and excitement.

"The thirteen points are here:

1. This is country is a Kingdom. I am The Monarch . Now let me explain my people.

I have toured 35 countries in previous year , and I've found out that the world calls their guide The Monarch.

2. My orders are final and absolute.

3. Everyone will be given free food to survive , for luxuries, you have to survive.

4. The King shall give you the Knowledge of the world with no cost.

5. Crimes ,All of them , the list is now given to you by my servants . Are prohibited. And the violation will not be tolerated. The person who does commit crimes will be executed.

6. Every one will give 40% tax or if you earn 10 gold coins you will have to give 4 gold coins.

7. My heirs are my brothers and the Kingdom Shall remain under my family.

8. From today. My Family is called The Novagen Family.

9. Everyone has the right to speak against me.

10. All men are equal

11. There are no religious barriers.

12. The place you work at. Will pay you 20 Hekte an hour minimum.

13. You shall abandon all the gold and Start using Paper currency of

0.25,0.50,0.75,1 Hekte coins and 5,10,20,50 Hekte cotton bank notes.

We will reach new heights from today.

I also want to announce that I am going to stop expansion of my borders. Let's improve our lands first. "

The people never heard of such things. Notes? , Currency? Everyone was so confused, but their joy was immeasurable,learning new things and improving their lives. They accepted the King.and That Barren land , saw a glimpse of how the future could look like.

On the very next early morning . Parties were arranged , people celebrated freedom and prosperity. It was for the first time since forever, that people had such confidence and freedom from worries. Lots of Juice,Food and milk was distributed among people and some 200,000 coins were distributed among people.

In his 9th year of reign , King Novagen began developing relationships with the world. He became the Trade Manager of the World or as his official position said

"Minister of Trade"

This was a major achievement , Townsvalley's existence was known to the world and business was massive.

"The Yearly reports are in!" said the minster of finance.

"PRESENT" – Ordered King Novagen

"Townsvalley's GDP is 100 billion Hektes. GDP per capita is 45000 Hekte and HDI is 0.877 .We are thriving my king!"

"Congrats to Townsvalley and You Minister , In this regard"

- Said the King.

While this discussion was ongoing . An old man , sitting beside the minister of finance , stood up

"My King Novagen, you have truly improved our society in a few years. I am astonished to see that we have known about statistics of our Land.... I mean Townsvalley in such a few years. I am truly thankful" – Said Haevu

"THEREFORE!, I ANNOUNCE THE OFFICIAL Merger of our TRIBE with yours , we are no longer The Tuwns, We are officially part of Novagen Family!" – Haevu

Novagen eyes opened wide. He couldn't believe what he heard. He was astonished and his joy was even greater than the joy of conquering all the Land.

- The Tenth Year –

It's time for history class everyone , clapped the Teacher of the House of Novagen as She delivers the story of King Novagen's Great Conquest to the Members of the house and civilians alike.


"It was a bright morning on the 4th year of His reign , King Novagen Set out to battle with his 500Men Calvary and 2000 army men to conquer the barren land towards the north. It was the last piece of land left in the north. After that it was vast sea. With few islands , but first important conquest was the conquest of the north. The north area had 5 tribes with some 300 Noble Members and 500 farmers & men. Like you would expect. The Tribes were ready to guard the borders. King Novagen assembled his army and announced that All men who are guarding the north, should surrender and they shall be forgiven , if not , then Novagen's wrath is destined for them. The Tribesmen Yoshiko of the Youshiki tribe stood up and said to the king that he will never give up this land. And he was about to finish his sentence when King's Archer aimed the arrow at Yoshiko and in a split second, Yoshiko was dead. This marked the official beginning of the final battle in the north.

"600 Troops Assemble, Form a square form , Just like we trained."

These were not the orders of the Military general, It was the order of the King Novagen.

"Let's Attaaaaaaaacck!!!"

Screamed the king and Total of 1000 soldiers entered into the battlefield, and from the other side came the 600 tribesmen of different tribes, the battle began. In the first phase, three hundred men marched towards the enemy, with 10 archers , the opponent side, uneducated, marched together with all troops , seeing this Novagen told his troops to make sure these men don't get killed. The result was completely one sided.

With only 10 casualties in total. Novagen was Victorious. And Townsvalley's territory increased drastically. And military increased by 400 troops. Many of the people surrendered and they were allowed to live as citizens after jail time of 1 year.


"So, did you enjoy the story students?"

Asked the teacher after delivering it,

"Yes" – students

But a girl asked one question

"What will happen after His death?"

"Class dismissed" – said the teacher (she looked her in the eye and ignored her question)


Townsvalley was ruled by King Novagen for 60 years. In his time he developed the main city. And made sure no one slept hungry. The city saw massive technological improvements. Almost all of the population owned houses and were living a nice lifestyle. The cities were well built with 3 story buildings, A king's Palace was built.

The Palace had 40 rooms and 60 guesthouses and 2 Big room with walls painted with liquid gold. It showed the true glory of The King. The garden was well designed with fruits and flowers of every season. It was the first palace built in the Land. It occupied 9000 acres of Land. Aside from the rooms, Kings palace had 70 different small palaces for the future princes and Kings, and the family.

The front looked like a mixture of square structure and domes. The front was designed of silver and gold.

The Kings Family was never made public although it is rumored that King had 40+ wives and 67 sons , amount of daughters are still unknown. The King's Worth is said to be at 18 Billion Hektes.

At The time period of 60 years. The Data was most important factor of King's Reign. The king constructed data centres , so all of the citizens are well known to the Kingdom so the availability of Food is ensured. It was the first time King announced that Government/Kingdom will supported all the elderly with 500Hektes Financial support. Mining was introduced and miners found million tonnes of Gold,Diamond,Silver.etc. owning Gold was became a norm, with not a single person seen without it. He also imposed 30%+ Tax on income , but People were happy to pay it as they were provided with a lot of luxuries. The Capital or main city was named as NewLands!

The King's time in conquest was just 11 years of his total reign. He was given the Name "King Novagen The Great"

The time finally arrived.

King's son ,The first and eldest brother Rushed to the room

"Father!!!!!!!!!?!!!?, Why are you shivering"

"Listen Son! , My.....

"No father. Nothing will happen to you!!"

The King couldn't speak.. so he whispered slowly into the ear of His son .

"No son, Donot breakdown, Face the reality..... My...uh....(breathes heavily).... Time has come, I appoint you as The Next King.....of.... The glorious Townsvalley...."

...."no...not now..... "

Tears shed , it was announced throughout the land , The Great King is no more.....

15 day mourning was announced. His tomb was created. With 5 special diamonds placed on his stone.

"I'll miss you father" – Said the Son


The Next day


Gates of The Novagen Palace Opened by two armed men

Enters Novagen's Son on a horse with thirty men And Announces (he is still moving forward with his men), All of the Citizens living in Newlands gatherd in such a way that one crowd was on the left and one crowd on the right, so a line-like empty path was formed for his welcome!

"Oh! People of Townsvalley, King Novagen The Great has passed away!, Im sure you all know that!!.

He has Appointed me as his heir to the throne"

Everyone was shocked! The crowd started whispering…


His voice was so heavy that all of their mouths were shut

"I am Ottoman Rashid!, You may now formally Call Me KING NOVAGEN the second!"

Here are the exact words of the King!

"I hope after me, My Brother Ottoman Rashid The Current Mayor of Newlands will Accomplish these goals!"

---------------------------------------THE FIRST YEAR OF KING NOVAGEN II--------------------------------------

"Sire! , There is an Emergency" , He rushed towards the King's court

"What is it James?" – Asked the King

"people are asking...(he sweats) .... That they want to Select their leader instead of this heir system and are threatening to Enter into the Palace"

