The Plan of ZEN

It was third year of the reign of King Novagen II , Zen Zhao, the only son of his parents. wrote his story

I was a single child, I cried , And cried but my parents forced me to enroll in the Townsvalleyian army. It was a hard time for me . I wanted to govern atleast some parts of townsvalley,but Military was not my thing, My mother said "Zhao, Our glorious leader needs people like you"she slowly widened here eyes "Military is the only option" , Her face was scary and I had to accept it . I mean, I could've tried to go into finance & administration. but no , I still remember her face, A monstorus one at best and A Silent lethal poison at worst. I went into the Academy for training. It was located in 32nd street , James District , Newlands City. I was trained for 5 years for in-combat training and 20 years for strategic planning. it was a good time, i personally went to Ottoman when he was the prince , and his aims were clear to me the day I met him. As I was expert in strategy I Lured my way in to His plan, and I became so close to him in this that he called me his best friend. I am writing in this book just because If I don't survive after this , Then there must be something on this earth that is mine.

After writing this , he broke his pen.

--At King's Court--Two Days before his increase in tax announcement--

King and ZEN are alone

"ZEN , What is your plan?"

"Your Majesty, Let me tell you the scheme, First we have to prepare the Family"

".....hmmm" - King



"Now , We will lure them to wait , and Donot take an action against us , of any kind. That will stop them for a while. You want YOUR INDUSTRIES , and no one else should be able to make industries for themselves, For that , We will increase the taxes ، so high that the people will come out on the streets. DONOT PANIC KING , we will hold them off for a monthl, In that time , we will announce your succession plans , that will breakdown the Novagen family. After so much chaos , the businesses will close , we will deploy the army and SILENCE EVERYONE , then you will install socialism completely."

"I will have to give some reason for this ZEN, what will be that reason?"

"Hmmmm .... Just tell them you need for building service buildings because you have run out of money"

"but we haven't run out of money" - King


"Okay okay Zen,Let us Consolidate power and Bring My Kingdom under my own feet and no one else" - King

"Let's go" - Zen

-------Back at the chaos-------

There was Army being assembled at each corner of Newlands, While this was happening, leaders of the wings were having final meeting , The Map was open in Front of them, they were sitting on pretty comfortable chairs , They all looked at each other in a strange way, maybe due to the gravity of the mission they were assigned to do. the hall was located in the Newlands Ottoman Halls,Near Shopping center Street. to break the silence , ZEN the leader of all of the Wings spoke

"3 Wings , North, south & Left , Close in the shopping center Street,as it is in the heart of the city، and then notify other wings ، so they spread out around the shopping center and close in , the moment you announce that all are dead. there , at that moment. ,King will announce few things and the person who kills the last protestor will get 100 Million in Gold by the King."

"SIR YES SIR!!! MOVE OUT LET'S GO" - all the teams chanted and pledged their life to the King , Zen led the army and went straight in. That time, marked the last peace-time of Townsvalley.

The battle began

Left Wing:

"Kill them All!!!!!"

SCREAMED the soldiers as they Sliced everyone in half. People resisted and fought but no use against these warriors.

Right Wing:

GENERAL KOU Ordered "Be vigilant and tolerant , we must not kill the unarmed"

The army followed, They kept the record of the people exterminated , which amounted to about 30,000.

Independent Commandos:They were able to throw 3000 unarmed protestors outside the Kingdom

The army wings came close to the shopping center Street , The shopping center Street itself is not important for Townsvalley's markets but it was the center point of the city. It had Avenue in the middle of it , and 3 to 7 story buildings on both sides of the road, The lanes on the road were laid out, it was a developed area. Citizens , who were with the king , although there were hardly any , were ordered to stay in their homes , specially in the shopping center Street. markets were closed by the Government on that street aswell, protestors also forced the markets to close. It was wealthy street , The Protestors were pushed by the soldiers towards the Shopping center street, and now they were in a trap , there was a junction in the street , there , in that junction, on three roads were the soldiers and on the fourth road were the protestors, the soldiers were also behind the fourth road, so, some 850,000 protestors were completely covered by the Townsvalleyian army from all sides. ZEN, The General of All the Wings arrived in a tank, the soldiers were mixed with tanks it was a combined effort to push protestors in that area, ZEN stood up on his tank and Asked the protestors "Do you All have a leader? ,IF SO, I'LL MAKE IT EASY, I'll have a one-on-one battle with him ,AND if you win,You all will be killed and if you lose You will be killed, SO GIVE UP! NOW, or there is going to be a blood bath"

The Protestors replied with one voice, they were armed with guns ,spears,swords and whatever they could find

"KILLLLLL THE SOLDIERSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Army closed in , killed people with their guns, the protestors killed the soldiers with swords, ZEN entered into the battlefield. the tanks were allowed to fire freely,which they did, the bombs dropped straight on the protestors, ZEN ,in the middle of this found a worthy opponent, The battle between them began quickly,Zen started shooting him, but he jumped high and landed straight on Zen's arm,breaking it in half, Zen screamed and immediately the gun fell from his hand,the man who did this had the hoodie on and he had a sword, Zen always kept a sword with himself but this time, he did not bother because technically it was just protestors with little to no arms. The Man quickly penetrated his sword on The Chest of Zen and lifted him up ,his whole weight was on the sword of this man.


"YOU CAN'T KILL US!" - said the man who was holding Zen on his sword

one of the soldier in the tank ,blasted the bomb straight on the unknown man and killed him, Zen knew this was gonna happen. and so it did, The Army and the wings got insane and killed all of the protestors .there was a blood bath, that killed everyone,every single one of the protestor, and the army cried as they did this and afterwords, it was the worst thing they did in a fit of rage,on that day almost 850,000 people were killed and only 100 were able to escape,the Wings lost in total 500 soldiers and ZEN, no one could know the identity of the Man who killed Zen.

The King ,was looking outside from the window of the palace ,when he heard this,his face turned red,

he went back to his bed ,his wife Tana was there too , he fell into the bed.his wife asked

"What happened ,Your Majesty?"

To this, he replied

"It's Done"