The Reign of King Novagen II

The Army came back to the palace, all the protestors were buried, the ground was levelled, And there were strict orders by the King to not discuss about this event ever again. The King also nationalized everything ,private press,shops and everything else was owned by the government .the King's plan was complete,The Country was under full control of one man, King Novagen II.

Zen was remembered as a Hero of the Kingdom, his photos were framed in the palace, the world remembered him as a hero, a 1 trillion Sols full gold burial site was built for him, the trillion Sols were taken from another country by the King, repaying time was 60 years. there was another problem growing in the family. the next 5 years of King Novagen's regime went smoothly,there was thick black market which fluctuated, the economy went down first time in the history, the taxes increased to 64% and curfew was imposed,travel was banned,cars banned,planes banned,internet,video games and computers were banned, Cannabis was allowed. The King controlled the country,the farmers surrendered their yield to Him. The Novagen Family's net worth increased to 1 trillion Sols. The protests were banned completely. every industry except retail, fell hardly, it went into negative figures.


An issue was presented to the King, He was sitting in his eastern palace, His workplace was not called King's court, it was called King's Office.the issue was:

"your majesty, we have an issue, the black market is going out of hand, 60 trillion Sols,

you could:

1. Reduce black market by increasing police force but that requires alot of funding.

2. Increase taxes and spend Sols on a government body that regulates local markets, I would not suggest this , Your majesty , as we have increased them already.

3. Reduce taxes and we can hope that people will reduce black market activity, and apply loose market policies." - Hans Loso , King's Representative to the Public

"Hmm, Apply policy no.2"- King

"King, please"- Hans

"DO IT!" - KING Screamed

"okay, Announce throughout, the King has raised taxes,and stricter actions are now being taken to reduce black market."- Hans

"king we requre 100 Billion Sols for our new government body"

"Approved" - King

The result: 3 months later the black market reduced by 10 trillion Sols but taxes increased and so people's disposable income reduced. but any uprising was silenced,that was the norm at the time

Issue: "King , Please ,Please do something , the crime is so high. even the palace is not safe anymore"

"What are you saying Hans?, this is impossible ,we execute every criminal"

"are you sure you want to kill a person just because he steals food, please donot make this worse for us please" - Hans

"yes, Hans , i respect your opinion... friend..., We are going to increase the police force and our Armed forces, increase taxes by 0.5% and allocate the Money"

"Ofcourse, your majesty"- Hans

Five years went longer, felt like ten years,i am thinking of asking other family memebers to help me dethrone him, wrote hans in his notebook.

Year 12------Reign of Ottoman Rashid, The King of Townsvalley

There was a meeting in a dark room closed with all sides, it was actually a box. with just one opening so sunlight brightens the room (a little).

"ZEN betrayed us, but i want to make sure no one betrays us now, if you are not with us quit,or I'll take your life" - person 1

"My plan,if you follow it , the mole will leave himself" - person 2

"These are dark times, but we will dethrone him, we will do it in such a way that the war stays in the palace only" - person 3

" oh yeah? Which palace, there are currently 23 palaces in the country, which one?" - Person 1

"SHUT UP, you were the reason we chose ZEN, I knew he was trouble ,now you listen to us and DONOT complain" - Person 5

"Hehe, never thought our brother would be such a loser" - person 6

"LOSER?, NO he's a killer,murderer,terrorist,abomination,disgrace to our family, he did not deserve this Kingdom" - Person 7

"I would stop you, as you disrespect our king , but I won't , He is stupid ,Crazy Mass murderer and nothing more than that" - Person 8

"he killed 850,000 people , and we could not do anything. He wiped out families, we could not do anything, HE KILLED EVERYONE" screamed person 9

"Stop, Please..... God will help us , God will help us, May God help us because we are not going to show mercy to this man" - Person 10

"The Plan,That you are talking about ..... are you sure that we will not die when we apply it"- person 11

"you could die right now, who knows, stop asking stupid questions"- Person 12

"We could create a faction and run our own country, when King sends his men, we tell them that stay in your own borders, maybe form kardusa" as the person 13 said this, a sword ,swinging , cut his head

"Mole" - Person 1 (As he swung the sword)

"Nicely done" person 11

"See , Our debate allowed him to present his views, my plan is already working.... this is fun, " Person 2

"ANYONE ELSE" - Person 1

"Quickly now, show yourself" said person 2 with amusement

Person 1 takes his seat

"Now, back to the meeting" -Person 12

"We are just 12 now huh" - Person 2

"Yes" - Person 3

"If we create a faction, form another townsvalley, that will cause a civil war, those who believe King is Ottoman and those who believe that the kingdom should prosper irrespective of the King" Person 2

"So that's not a good thing.. i guess" - person 12

"How about this, I'll prepare a file that ..." - person 4 was interrupted

"NO, if we document anything , AND I MEAN ANYTHING, our plan will be exposed and we will all go to Jail" - Person 2

"The King is so powerful that even his own family memebers are weak and helpless" - Person 6

"we could chat all day long or do something about this issue" - Person 7

" i think we should comeback tomorrow and have a meeting again" - person 8

"We can do that or we can wind this up quick and talk about another issue netxt week" - person 2

"okayyy.. .What's your plan, Tyson" - Person 1

Tyson Ishida, or Tyson told the members of the meeting , His Plan. the meeting continued with some chatter and food was served, the food included fruits,and special townvalleyian ham , with fish and Ramen, the room was just a plain box with one round table, Maybe the Tables have turned for the King.

At the Palace

"King we are hearing a coup plot against you" - Hans

"My army is 100,000 strong men with hundreds of weapons, Even if there is a coup plot, we will kill everyone,just like in the past" - King

".....And Hans..... Listen...." - King

"Yes, Your Majesty" - Hans

"I recently got an issue that , should we make it compulsory to sing national anthem in schools, are you aware of this?" - King

"oh yes, i asked my dear friend Kyou to give it to you, i was busy with some other work you have asked me to do" - Hans

"Hahahah, he is a very shy Kid" - King

"Yes , Your majesty , he is new here, i told him to work with me because ,well.. working for His Majesty is once in a lifetime opportunity" - Hans

"Please make it compulsory, the people should pray for me and my country everyday, I am the Ruler of this country and everyone should remember my name" - King

"But ... don't you think....." -Hans

"STOP, NO QUESTIONS .....MY SUBJECT, do as you are told and everything will be fine" - said the king while smiling

Tyson was sitting in his room.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, I AM SMART, I AM THE BEST, THIS PLAN WILL WORK , i have altered somethings that i will inform the meeting next week, BUT WE CAN DO THIS"

He laughed hardly , and said to himself

"you are smart , Tyson, Very smart..."