Changes - II

The Reign of Ghamidine, If we see the entire reign and analyse it, Economy of the Country For the first 15 Years Did not do pretty well

"Though I may not wish to control the industries and even shops,but my brother's policies have put such pressure on my shoulders that as the emperor,King or Rule of my Kingdom , I have to Live with it, Sudden installment of capitalism may end up crashing our economy." - Said the King in an address to the Kingdom.

The King's sole focus was to improve the economy, the last 15 years of his reign , His goal was to improve the economy. All of the Money saved from Expenses were invested in The State companies. The King Reduced his clothing to just Townsvalleyian style Cotton cloths, With no Diamond or Gold. this saved money was spent on agriculture to supply food to the people, And in His reign , It was popular among the people that in His 25 Years, Food shortage Didnot exist.

At the King's court , The democratic aura was felt by everyone, The King's court a place where only King and his one servant used to be present ,had now three to four members that were 'elected by the people' , The Candidates were selected by the King and these candidates were presented to the people , and they were allowed to vote,Perhaps due to this, Matters were finally coming back to normal , although black market was pretty high but an additional 10 Trillion Hektes was reduced. These achievements restored the Kingdom's credibility,atleast to some extent. At least two hundred billion Hektes were spent on Maintaining the Family's Assets, The King Heavily Reduced these Expenses and Settled state matters in only one Palace,The North.

This Heavily Reduced costs , The King's wives were all gathered in one Palace and many wives were shifted and prices ,of current King and previous Kings were shifted to local residencies in Townsvalley, and many servants. we're layed off, some 300,000 servants were layed of , in total ,As of King Ghamidine Bakeurik's Reign, there were 1.1 Million servants in all of Family's Assets combined, These heavy measures Ended the lavish Life of so many Family members who were "living a life beyond imagination",the phrase used by civilians of Townsvalley when Ottoman Rashid was the emperor. The King reversed alot of policies. The Major policy ,Socialism could not be reversed. The King Ordered Construction of schools,Hospitals, Universities, and Hired expert businessmen to run the state companies. Even after such efforts. The King was unable to uplift the economy, the people were less interested in studying and Kingdom's Matters, 40 Years ago ,whenever King used to give an address , reported 30 Million viewers would watch the address,And slowly,everyone in Townsvalley,While Ghamidine's Address was only watched by estimated 1,000 Townsvalleyians, The situation was alarming , But the King was unable to do anything, As he was compeletely lost ,All he could do was to wait for someone better than him.

Although one strange event was recorded.

Townsvalley' south was full of Forests , But In 17th year of King's reign, There were reports that two new nations have formed, they are all democratic with their presidents.It was astonishing and threatening for the King, But strangely, The King Ordered Construction of Co-operative states Organization. An organisation that no one ever though a country so Isolated as Townsvalley would create.