
The death of King Novagen spread fear among Townsvalley citizens, The fear was genuine and justifiable as they did not want another Ottoman Rashid.

Newspaper's Headline Read

"All Hail the New King"

Now Townsvalley was ready for a new King Named Khayrat Nader Novagen or By Family Name KING NOVAGEN IV, The foundation built by King Novagen III was very strong for the the New Ruler & he was ready for sustainability in the nation. people really had no high hopes but the only the future could tell.


"What is it my lord" - said Hamaad the Servant

"I've called you because I want to know What are the issues for today" - King Novagen

The King's throne shifted to a room that was balcony like it was basically open from all sides so sunlight can pass easily. King enjoyed sunlight and lit up room brought excitement to his face, there were pillars . As King & servant were talking about daily issues and businesses A perhaps human shadow went unnoticed.

Khayrat was walking in beautiful garden of the Palace ,the beauty and art style of his ancestors fascinated him. the blue sky and people lovely atmosphere motivated him and it was a pleasant place to live in.

He was sitting with his beautiful wife when suddenly A tall man with black long hair tilted to the right wearing white & black robe showed up, Novagen IV looked up and saw his face

"Enjoying the lavish life my King"

"Yeah, Is that how you show respect to your ruler"

"What's your problem, You speak so majestically"

"That's none of your business"

"go away belshazzar" - orders the king angrily

Belshazzar moves away from that place quietly with visible dejection on his face. anyone with common sense could see that. The King becomes still for a bit without even blinking an eye, He thought for a while, a minute or so when his wife shook him softly

"what are you thinking , care to tell?"

"oh it's nothing darling, it's just nothing"

they forgot about what happened and moved on.

Townsvalley's development was fast, There was deep focus on Newlands, the capital. but Less focus was given to the inner politics.

life moved on normally. It was at this time that Townsvalley was most richest. with a poorest person earning 80,000+ Hektes per year and rich earning more than 120,000+ Hektes. Poverty ceased to exist, everyone was rich,Healthy,educated developed and the country was earning it's highest ever Incomes. Basic issues like justice & crime were almost non existent. Corruption didn't exist , The people were living in the best of time. Newlands became the world's trade and economic hub, the people of the world now knew about Townsvalley, it was slowly penetrating the minds of people, it was an extraordinary Country. this was all thanks to the previous kings that the system of "auto-progress" as it was called was allowed to function and no King touched the local governments and experienced staff working under those excluding King Ottoman Rashid, he tried to dismantle the system but was removed before any sort of permanent damage could occur. nonetheless The prosperity was now being studied by foreign people and they were interested to form a subject called "Civilised study of Townsvalley".