Fight! Kyoga.


Age: 35

Rank: Level 1

Military expert fighter

Hair color: White

Face: Plain clean skin with blue eyes.

Daily dress: White robe with black stripes, He always carried his weapon with him.

Weapon: Custom strong metal sword.

Interests: Book reading, Fighting.

A street In South West of Newlands known as James St was it's usually pretty empty in the middle of the day they were tall buildings in it and the place was not really very crowdy as it was office and many officers were there so people usually park their cars and went into their working place in there a Noble of the family was walking When the man in a tuxedo appeared

He grabbed the Noble and whispered in his ears

"KYOGA your life ends now"

The guy in the tuxedo had his face hidden by wearing a plain black colored mask

Kyoga became vigilant immediately, he pulled out his sword. And with fierce thrust pushed the tuxedo guy away and asked him

"Who are you?"

The guy replied

"your death, Call me J"

J immediately attacked kyoga with his sword, Both clashed on the street Jay swung his sword and jumped and did a backflip and he hit kyoga so fiercely that he fell onto his knees trying to block the attack.

"Tshhhh" … " Damn your strong" -said kyoga,

He immediately pushed J back.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS" Kyoga screamed and attacked him with his sword.

"That is none of your business" – replied J as he was fighting.

"Let's take this somewhere else" – said kyoga

"Whatever" – J

The both went to a nearby Hill ,it was filled with trees and the moment they arrived there J and kyoga begun battling.

J Swung his sword and continuously hit the middle part of the sword of kyoga.

Kyoga was able to hit a major blow onto the arm of J, J paused for a bit. The tent immediately attacked back now yoga was on the defensive and she was immediately and fiercely attacking him left and right speed was so fast it was hard to comprehend this fast speed allowed an opening and yoga was immediately able to attack his head directly now kyogo was a fierce warrior so he quickly moved away but his hair was cut that baby very angry now he went on the offensive he attacked Jay so hard that he couldn't see his sword so he used his hand to block him now his hand had steel Armor in it so it was an easy blockage seeing that there was a pause for a minute kyogo saw this opportunity and attacked him again J blocked it.

"Aaah, You think you can kill me that easily"

"it was worth a shot … J"

They went again fighting although it was now slow because both of the men were tired and the fight had no end.


They both started fighting again, swords clashed, Heavy blows were exchanged and because their power was low J was able to hit a major blow in the leg of kyoga.

*bleeds and Screams *

"Ah , I will not loose to you J"

This time Kyoga was on the offensive. He attacked J swinging his sword while revolving this caused such a pressure that

J's sword got out of his control and to his surprise this was in his favour as the attack of kyoga reversed and instead of J's sword hitting J, it hit Kyoga in the same leg. He screamed with pain and fell on the hill. J stood beside him and put sword near the face of Kyoga

"Oeyo, Kyoga, You thought you could beat me, Now look at you"

Kyoga punched J's Face

"I'm not a coward" – said Kyoga.

Kyoga took the sword in his hand and started attacking J, now with his is anger Kyoga actually hit major areas of J including beside his stomach and his arm and J also did not hold back, he hit so fiercely to him but it felt like his attacks was not working, J actually thought that he may lose because kyoga was so powerful.

"Give it up, you look like you will pass out" – J

Kyoga Looked at him angrily and continued to attack. J Hit him with his sword in a slicing way ,the powerful hit pushed Kyoga back and J ran away.

"WHAT" – Kyoga thought

"COME OUT COWARD" - said kyoga while he was looking here and there in the lush forest like hill.

J came from behind with a massive attempt to hit kyoga in the back but kyoga quickly noticed that and turned around and in an instant, blocked the attack.But the pressure was so strong that Kyoga left arm burst and he was brought to literal tears due to this immense pain. But he continue fighting

"Give up" – J

"fun's over" – J

J hit him with a final blow. Kyoga fell on the ground. J came closer to him to finally finish him off but Kyoga had power left in him, He hit J with his sword while laying down, that hit J in the leg.. and asked him with deteriorating voice

"Whhh…aaa.. what is your mission"

"Dying soul, My mission is way bigger than you think, you can always see me from the clouds" – J started laughing.

"YOU'RE DEAD" – said J as he fiercely hit the sword in the chest of Kyoga that hit him in his heart….

Kyoga went numb, his mind was active

"Is this it am ? Am I dead? my life was this short. am I this weak or is he too powerful, why today? I did not think that I was this weak. a random person was able to kill me. What's this plan,is... is ….my nation safe? is this a good thing? it's just I'm a failure….. I cannot …..I cannot see….. it's all ... getting... dark…I need help... King..."

Kyoga was slain

"Job's done" – Said James and he accurately set his suit and walked away.