
Meckenzie jumped immediately and went straight to Gin. He put his shoes on the Gin's chest and basically launched himself towards the direction of the king, Gin also tried to push him so he gets maximum speed.

The king's eyes were wide open as he was seeing Meckenzie approach him with a sword with one aim, that is to kill him. no negotiations.

Agents saw that but they were scattered. they left their positions and fights and ran to block the fierce attack.

"Not so fast" - said honu.

This distraction caused agent 8 to lose concentration and honu quickly grabbed him and watched his sword and cut him.

immediately a gunshot was fired which hit on the back of honu.

"I did not have any choice" - Agent 6

only Meckenzie could end this.

He was at full speed.


The sun was about to set. The village of Oscor was the birthplace of Meckenzie. His mother was hanging clothes in the garden to dry them. He was with her.

" I want to be in the armed forces " - Said little Meckenzie to his mother.

" well, No honey. we have to make you a respectable businessman. work hard for that " - mother

"why. I want to serve the King, serve the country and i want to be known" - Meckenzie

"very ambitious. well little boy right now we have to finish your mathematics homework than you will play outside with your friends " - said mother and then she continued hanging clothes

Meckenzie looked at his mother. it was as if he was ignored for a little bit.

He walked from there to his room to do homework.

While He was writing on his notebook , he got distracted, started thinking about the greatness of The Armed Forces. (as he was a kid) He thought about Tanks, Guns and combat techniques. he spoke to himself

"we are not ever going there, are we?"

then He paused. took a deep breath and said to himself again.


He got enrolled by his parents into a business school. Where he always got a C grade because he had no interest.

He was quarreling with his parents:


"Because We love you so much. we donot want to lose our only son" - Father

"Yes dear. infact, business is not that bad of a field. you have the potential. just.. you need focus"

"You are my parents. And i respect that, but we live in a good country. it's time i do what i want"

"we have tried our best to convince you. but if yoi still want to. i don't know then... i give up" - Father

"well, that's good" - Meckenzie

both of the parents were shocked at this abrupt reply.

So he did what he said he would. entered into the Military Admission Exam (ADE) and tried his best to get maximum marks.

Few days after giving the exam. the results were in.

the total was 100, he scored 86.

So he was not selected. Only people above 92 were picked.

He fell. broke down. he told this to his friend on call.

"I couldn't do it" - Meckenzie

"well , it's ok. i have a friend who can connect you to higher up in the military who can give you a position in 'The members', you up for it?"

"At this point. I'll do anything to enter into military" - Meckenzie

"Alright. note down the address. meet them tomorrow noon"

So he went there and entered the building.

the exterior of the building was depicting a lavish-look. it was a small two storey building.

He entered from the front door. no one looked at him. everyone was busy on their own. like no one knew he even existed.

Some man came up to him.

"right here sir"

he went to a room. it was on the left side of the hallway.

He entered into the room. it was. only one light was ON, that showed the face of a man.

He was a young man, had glasses and white hairs. young face, was in his late 20s.

"Hi, I was expecting you Mr. King Meckenzie"

"How do you know my name" - Meckenzie

"I just know it, Sit down please"

He sits down, shocked. His eyes were on that Man.

"Now, I am Shuho. I'm one of the members. Remember, we donot have ranks. there is no rivalry, It's all teamwork. There are no conditions or requirements to join us except one"

Meckenzie Quckly spoke " what is that? "

Shuho went near to him and said

"Loyalty to the King. Sacrificing yourself for him. no questions."

"Dont we already do that?" - said meckenzie as he was now relieved.

"You will do it practically. protect him at all costs. we'll teach you everything else." - Shuho

"Alright!" - Meckenzie

That's how he joined the Military.


Meckenzie was at full speed. about to slice The King, when all of these thoughts flashed through his mind. everyone had high hopes of this probably final attack.