A new horizon

Birds were sitting on the tree, chirping. it was a gloomy day for the country.

Queen Liliana announced his death and everyone was shocked because of the decision of the King.

"We cannot allow this!!!" - said one of the member of novagen standing there.

queen looked him in the eye and said


one old man (senior member of the family) replied

"DAUGHTER!, Are you not scared for a rebellion may rise"

to which she replied

"Fear is word unknown to me."

everyone was shocked.

"You all are dismissed, we will discuss and form the new government after the Mourning of 3 days."

everyone went their own way. they had to. there were no other options.

Queen went Inside the palace.

and sat on the dining table. and put her head down. thought about the memories of her with father.

Her assistant and head maid of the palace came to see her.

"May I have the permission to sit with you. Princess Liliana" - Maid.

"Queen" - Queen Liliana

"I'm sorry, what?" - Maid

"Queen, Daronise , Call me Queen Liliana, and please. sit. it's not an issue" - Queen Liliana

"Oh my! The King named you the successor. fascinating. well, you can tell me about anything. share with me the memories. let's lessen your burden."

The they both kept talking. The queen mourned the first day. she thought the world had ended. her father was her protector and guardian. it was like she lost everything. The palace, jewelery, Military, power... everything meant nothing.

a day passed since the death of her father. She was slightly stable. she could think and plan ahead. the responsibility she had now ,was greater than ever. to sustain the Liliana family instead of Novagen family. The Kingdom was now preparing for a major shift in power. and Queen Liliana was ready to do anything that was necessary to make that shift. The Kingdom was now going in to the hands of the New Liliana family.

She became Queen at the age of 35. She was. ambitious and fierce.

The Queen readied herself for the final day of mourning. she held a grand meeting with her new advisors. she planned to give this as a surprise. she started writing letters to the new advisors. completely omitting the previous ones. like they never existed.

in the letters she told them to arrive within six hours (that would be the night time).

The letters were read, and followed.


The people of Townsvalley were already mourning. ofcourse only those who wanted to. some were very excited that now the pathetic King is dead. they were free to do whatever they wanted. news channels were already spreading news like wildfire.

the headlines were




some theorists were blaming the Kingdom for producing the worst King ever. they named him "The killer of the defenders of peace"

but they were never banned or arrested.

The country's territories were at the greatest level at the time.

the country expanded with every King. The people were hoping the same from the new Queen.

The country was pretty stable as previously mentioned.

The state was united. people were very very loyal there were no border disputes. average person was earning enough to even afford some luxuries.

The Hekte was stable at 0.6 against the Dollar.

The industries were Performing efficiently with minimum wastage.

Automobile industry, retail etc. were doing good.

One thing left unchecked, or certainly the government was unable to control, was the black market. The GDP was really high. It amounted to about 200 Trillion Hektes. The country was rich. and Kingdom bathed in wealth. the family members were enjoying the most lavished life in the world.

Black market was 20+ Trillion Hektes. meaning the money and assets that were traded "unregulated" was about 20 trillion Hektes.

The people were actively trading in illegal goods.

the government crackdowns didnot help. Many Kings after the havoc of King Jeb just accepted the black market has negative externality, and there were little to no improvement in that area.

Crime, other than that was fairly controlled. The Tax rates were sky high. The effective tax rate was 60%, means people were paying 60% of their income to the government. They were getting many services in return like effective police & free healthcare and many other benefits. people's lives were safe and sound. so they happily paid it.

People had several rights. they were allowed to live their life as they please as long as they stay loyal to the Kingdom & Royal family.

life was mostly balanced.

Political freedom was another issue. The country had absolutely no political system. the direct orders of the King were final, there were some political setups obviously, for the management of provinces and such other stuff. but no one had any sort of 'say' in the Government, which was owned by the King. otherwise you were free to speak against the King but as soon as you start a rebellion.

The new development was welcomed by the News media as the first women ruler is always a good gesture. but No one knew how she got there. But it's media. no one can do anything about that. you can speak against the king, but as soon as you start a rebellion, you are seen as

an enemy.