The Meeting

After a quick recap. We are back in the present. Queen Liliana is having her first meeting with the new members. actually it is her first meeting as a Queen.


Queen Liliana's First Year of Reign:

The meeting is held on 3rd day of her reign


The Queen starts speaking

"Welcome to all of you! I see that all of you are present. Quite a scene here don't you think?", The queen smiles (an evil smile)

The members, all of them were looking at Liliana. They were all being served with tea at the same time.

"Can we get to the point, my queen" - OVA

Da Yung looked at OVA and with his expressions tried to say to OVA ' Cut it out,don't be disrespectful '

but the Queen spoke in anger

"DON'T you dare speak like that again, you don't know who you are talking to, OVA" Her voice was heart shattering it sent shivers down his spine

He immediately said

"I'm very very sorry my Queen. this will never happen again!"

"Good" - Queen

"Now, My father eliminated the previous members. This is a great advantage. we can easily control the masses and dominate the Lands." - Queen

"May I ask why are you telling us that?" - Geon Ki

"Oh my poor Geon, you know me, infact you all know me well, you were my most trusted men even when I was seventeen year old. ofcourse there's a reason, We have an important task, that we have to complete within my lifetime"

All the members were surprised, they were wondering what task was it.

"We can talk about it aswell, but Queen, how are you feeling?, your father The Great King Mehmet died , how are you holding up" - Geon said it with genuine concern.

"Thanks for your concern, I am fine now, I know that I have to be strong and inherit strong and prosperous Kingdom"

"A big responsibility right?" - James Madrid

"Big responsibility indeed" -The Queen.

While she said that, tears came out of here eyes bit she wiped her tears.

The members were giving her a moment.

She wiped her tears and said " Now is not the time to mourn. it's time to prove and conquer "

"What do you want to prove?" - Jasper

"Prove to my Father that I AM WORTHY!!" - queen

"You are worthy, my queen" - Jasper

"We'll see about that" - queen

Queen got her focus back to the Kingdom affairs

"Alright, Please brief, First you .. Jasper" - Queen

"Yes, My Queen... we have your finances on track.

The Novagen Family is now worth 1.8 Trillion Hektes we have

about 800 Billion in Assets like Land, Buldings and other properties.

In Total there are three thousand members of the novagen family" Queen Liliana paused him

Queen: "This exact?"

Jasper: Yes... we may have missed a few, i guess maybe one hundred... I am not sure.

Queen: Alright, continue

Jasper: Yes, Thank you..

*he takes a deep breath, and then gets his thoughts together*

Alright. As I was saying , we have 200 Billion in Foreign reserves accounts and another 600 billion in foreign businesses.

The Queen, Oh! Our Glorious Daughter of the Lands is now worth two hundred billion Hektes.

Her personal monthly income is fifty billion hektes. The Jewels of the world are yours my Queen.

*He ends his briefing.*

Queen: I am flattered by your earlier remarks. Thank you. (Queen smiled).

She paused for a bit.

and pointed at The strategist Victor Franke

"Victor franke, Please brief".

He pulls out a map from the side of His Chair and places it on the table.

All the members stand up and look at the map closely. It's the map of Townsvalley. it was very detailed map. Queen looked at it and her eyes glowed. "The vast land covered by the Kingdom"

- The Queen

"Truly Fascinating isn't it?" - Victor

"The sacrifice and hardships of Forefathers. Amazing" - The Queen

She then continued

"The wars and Terrible death, bloody wars, death , and more death gave us fortunes. the reason we are here today. to fix this"

"Queen, are you alright?, this is a glorious Kingdom" - Quinton

"NO, do you think our kingdom is exactly as our glorious King Novagen wanted? the terrible King Novagen the third and the military conquests later on were not how we were supposed to expand." - OVA (he starts loose breath because of how long he spoke.)

"Okay , Okay OVA, relax now. That was all in the past. and it should remain there, in the past" - Queen

He calmed down.

The Meeting Continued for 6 hours.

A/N: The snippets of the 6 hour meeting will be shown in the upcoming chapters.

I have a patŕeòn, you will get 4 chapters in advance. and that also motivates me to write.