Chapter 49

The day after the Spring festival, according to custom, I still don't need to go to Court, but I still woke up a little early.

Last night, he and I kissed when we were sober, when we finished, we both went back to the room in silence and went to sleep, but something has changed, this was an indisputable fact.

I looked at Wu Min Jun, I wanted to recall why I had wanted to kiss him last night, but I could not remember the mood at that time.

It was probably because last night I was in a good mood? Or maybe it was because there were too many sky lanterns and palace lights, it was bright? Or else, maybe it was because of the fine and dense snowfall which confused my mind?

I used the quilt to cover my head, thinking it inconceivable. Wu Min Jun and I have known each other for so long, except for that time when we were drunk, and the other time with the 'water of gods', we have never made any move towards each other. But last night, the kiss was so natural, although it was just a gentle touch before separating, it was different from the previous kisses.

Because there we were not drunk or drugged, this was a solid heartfelt kiss!

I touched my lips and felt a little shaken.

Until Wu Min Jun's hand stretched over and pulled me down, I was shocked. I was pulled sideways and fell on the pillow, facing Wu Min Jun, even though it was my own face, after thinking of those eyes of Wu Min Jun's, I was embarrassed.

I stuttered: "You... you're awake?"

Wu Min Jun grinned: "Well, I don't sleep with my eyes open."

I: "..."

The result was nothing had changed! Just waking up in the morning and was already bickering with me.

I was sulking: "I just asked casually..."

I hadn't finished talking yet, and he held my chin and kissed me.

I: "...!"

Wu Min Jun immediately separated, I stared at him, he looked at me and then suddenly hit my forehead with his.

I was almost in tears because of the pain, the atmosphere from before was gone: "What are you doing...?!"

Wu Min Jun rubbed his read and said: "I thought that if we hit it, we would change back."

I said: "... How would that be possible? It's not that easy..."

Wu Min Jun sighed and looked at me: "I can't do it to my face... It'll be good to change back soon."

I finally figured out Wu Min Jun's intention, and whispered: "Then don't let go ..."

Wu Min Jun laughed and said: "When we change back, we will... um, complete the husband and wife nuptials."

I was embarrassed and winced: "You...what are you mentioning that for?"

Wu Min Jun naturally did not notice and said: "We're already married, aren't we?"

He paused, then continued: "Since you're already the Empress of Xi, just stay like this."

I said: "What?"

Wu Min Jun quietly said: "Like this for a lifetime."

He was still looking at me, and there was a gentleness in his eyes that I had never seen before.

I was caught off guard by this sentence and his eyes, stuttered: "A...A lifetime?"

Wu Min Jun smiled: "Otherwise what? You're already mine, your heart is also mine."

I was going to argue, 'who said my heart is yours?', and then Wu Min Jun then sighed: "Unfortunately, it is pity that there is no way to fully implement it for the time being."

I: "..."

Wu Min Jun gently smiled, then put out his hands out to hug me, but his arms were too short, so I couldn't help it and so shrunk my arms to help him.

I: "..."

I laughed at his actions and said: "What you are doing seems childish."

Wu Min Jun smiled and said: "Now I can only do this, but when we change back in the future..."

He said nothing more and gave me a long blank look, I was embarrassed and said: "Okay, say it when we change back."

Wu Min Jun laughed and did not say anything.

But... I really think that I probably won't be able to get away from him with that look.

I couldn't help but ask: "When did you start to like me?"

Wu Min Jun glanced at me and said, "When did I say I like you?"

I: "..."

Wu Min Jun probably saw that I had an annoyed expression on my face, he laughed and said: "You asking me this way, how do you know?"

I said: "How can I not know?!"

Wu Min Jun said: "Then you tell me first."

I said: "When did I say I like you?"

Wu Min Jun: "..."

I avenged myself, I was very happy: " Oh, I won't tease you... um, okay, you said for this kind of thing, it's hard to know the exact time. "

Wu Min Jun then said:" No, I can help you identify the exact time, "

I'm wondering:" When? "

Wu Min Jun laughed annoyingly while saying: "The night we got married..."

I: "..."

I thought about it carefully and said, "Ah, I know when you started to like me."

Wu Min Jun's mouth was slightly raised, said: " Oh?"

I said, "The day you started menstruating, that day, hahahahaha!"

Wu Min Jun: "What does this have to do with that...?"

I said: "Naturally it is related. You forgot that the Empress dowager took your hand and said, 'From today, you are now a real woman'?"

Wu Min Jun: "..."