Chapter 64

After staying in the cold palace for a whole day, I was very weak. Also in the evening, in order to see the moon, I was exposed to cold wind. The next day, I fell ill, and I was so dizzy that I could not stop coughing.

The two palace maids were getting worried. I wrote out a prescription from the medical book Situ gave me, and told the older maid to go get it, and had the younger maid with the cinnabar mole - her name is Honglian - I had Honglian accompany me, she has a nice voice so I had her sing to me.

Honglian has been in the palace since she was very small and so couldn't sing a song. She could only hum simple nursery rhymes, I listened to this and felt very comfortable.

Honglian said that her grandmother taught her this song and that she missed her very much. I told her that when she gets older she can leave the palace to go stay with her grandmother. Honglian became very awkward and said that her grandmother already died a few months ago. During that time, she wanted to ask for a leave of absence, but she was not permitted to go out because she had offended people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and so she did not even get to see her grandmother's last moments.

I comforted her with a few words and did not know what else to say. In this world, everyone probably has something that was sad and difficult.

Honglian said: "Your majesty, are you not upset?"

I said, "Why are you asking?"

Red Lotus said: "You have not cried."

I thought about it carefully and said, "I am not very good at this kind of thing, moreover, crying wouldn't help. "

I stumbled a little bit, and Honglian probably scared I was getting worse ran out and came back with Bai Taiyi. Biyun, the other palace maid I had sent to get the medicine still had not returned. Bai Taiyi took my pulse and said I was suffering from a cold, in addition to the abortion medicine I had just taken, my body was too weakened.

I didn't have any special thoughts on this. After Bai Taiyi left, I laid in bed waiting for Biyun. After a short time, Biyun returned carrying a large bowl of black medicine, Honglian smelling the medicine could not stand it and held her nose and said: "This medicine is so stinky."

Biyun said: "Is it? Why don't I think so?"

I said: "It's a bit stinky but it doesn't matter. You two go rest first, you've been waiting on me for so long and haven't rested."

The two complied, Honglian has been like a fly on a wall.

Bai Taiyi generally talks too much. It didn't take long for Wu Min Jun to come. At that time, I was sleeping, my head was hurting a lot, I couldn't even open my eyes, I could only tell from some vague feeling, that Wu Min Jun was there.

He stood by my side for a while and then seemed to sigh, the sigh was too silent, I didn't know if it was true or imaginary from my confusion.

When I opened my eyes later, Wu Min Jun had left. Honglian and Biyun came in and in a tone mixed with worry and joy, Biyun said: "The Emperor was just here, he told us to wait outside."

I said: "Oh, he still has some emotions."

Honglian whispered: "The Emperor said that if you are going to die, you have to die in Dong country, now Xi just finished fighting with Nan and so the military strength is now weak, the soldiers need rest. Dong has been resting for so long and the Dong emperor has grown up, the situation cannot be taken lightly."

Biyun poked her: "Why are you saying so much? You're not afraid of the wind and so flashing your tongue."

Honglian closed her mouth, no longer saying anything.

I smiled and said: "According to this, the Emperor cannot tolerate the existence of Dong country. Is it necessary to wait for Xi's strength to recover? It's necessary to solve the problem Dong - at that time, also get rid of me?

Biyun hurriedly said: "Your majesty, you should rest and take care of your body now, don't think too much."

I purposefully looked at Honglian and said: "I did not think too much, some people said too much."

Honglian shocked, bowed and said: "Your majesty, this slave ... slave did not mean to."

I said: "I didn't say that you did it deliberately."

Honglian gave a slight sigh of relief but did not dare to say anything more. The two waited on me as I ate, and then they retreated. I had eaten and felt in good spirits, eventually, I couldn't stand the discomfort of lying down all day and so got up. It was tasking, and I felt very unstable.

After thinking about it, I decided to go back to the bed, but my foot slipped and so I fell. I thought I would hit the ground, but someone caught me. When I looked up, it was Wu Min Jun.

Behind him there were two guards, who like him, were dressed in civilian clothes. He straightened me and said: "You have to be careful, the abortion didn't kill you, but if you fall to your death, how do I explain to Dong."

I said: "My luck is great, I can't die."

Wu Min Jun sneered and said: "Seems to be, you seem to be in good spirits, you even have the energy to talk back."

I said: "Emperor, what did you come here for?"

Wu Min Jun said: "Nothing, I just heard that you are half dead, so I came to see."

I sat down on the bed and said: "In that case, many thanks to the Emperor, chenqie is still very good, half-dead is not wrong, but I am still half alive."

**(Chenqie is a form of address used by royal wives to refer to themselves when speaking to their husband or elders)**

Wu Min Jun: "Your body is strong, that is natural - I think, on the day of the wedding ceremony, you can come and watch it."

I said: "Emperor, have you not found a problem? "

"What? "

"You keep saying that you hate me, but you always come to look for me, like a three-year-old child, you repeatedly show off about the matter between you and Miss Liu. It seems you will not be satisfied if you don't see me sad... This kind of behavior will really make people think it is unusual..."I looked at Wu Min Jun calmly.

Wu Min Jun said: "Oh, if you really feel that way, I can only say that you think too much, I never meant to show off - I was just stating the facts."

I motioned to Wu Min Jun and said: "Emperor, can you come a little closer."

Wu Min Jun was puzzled, raised an eyebrow and came closer.

I grabbed his hand and shook it and sniffed it: "The Emperor smells so fragrant, it seems to be covering everything else."

Wu Min Jun's face changed greatly: "What are you talking about?"

I saw that he wanted to withdraw, I stood up without hesitation, both hands latched onto his neck, and putting in malicious effort, swiftly turned it to the right, Wu Min Jun's neck made a bone-breaking sound, his eyes opened wide, then he twitched and died.