Mike Peters

Mike Peters sat in his lab waiting patiently. If all of his calculations where correct, and the reading he had been receiving since last night were proving that they were, this was going to be a most momentous day indeed! He had pulled another all night-er and this wasn't doing anything to smooth over his marital problems with Diane. But she would understand the importance of his work soon enough. She was the only person not attached to the University who understood exactly what his work would mean for mankind as a whole. But she also wanted her husband home at night, with his family, where he belonged. She knew he loved her too much to cheat, but she still felt cheated by how much time his work took him away from her and the kids. He would make it up to her somehow. In a very big way he would make it all up to her. But for now his work was too important to stop and take a break. As he walked from one part of the lab to another to check the status of the random event generators or REG's, he caught his reflection in a window. "A full beard already?", Mike thought to himself " Have I really been here that long? When was the last time I saw the kids?" He made a silent promise to go straight home after he spoke with Jerry Walker today. They have been friends for so long he's more like a brother then a friend. Mike always hated how Jerry squandered his intelligence. It wasn't cool growing up to be smart or a geek as Mike was always called. But Jerry was just as smart maybe even smart if his SAT scores were correct. Jerry wasn't just smart either, he was athletic too. He would always look after Mike, beating up the bullies that would come around to pick on him. When they graduated high school together Jerry was in some honors classes with Mike because he couldn't hide his brilliance from all their teachers.

Mike is 5'7 with sandy brown hair. He is very slim having never developed muscles growing up. He has hazel eyes with green flakes in them and a narrow up-turned nose. Mike went off into college and Jerry who had scholarships pouring in from all the top universities: Yale, Harvard, MIT, even Princeton. He turned them all down. Studying was easy for Jerry. He figured why pay to go to school when I can learn it on my own. He's probably read more books on more subjects then he'd be willing to admit. And he retains it all. Not like a photographic memory but the idea the principle behind what he has read. And then he makes some of the most profound connections. Connections Mike himself used in his thesis he published which granted his internship, then work, and finally heading up Princeton's Neotic Science Division. Not even knowing it Jerry has helped Mike solved one of the most profound mysteries of the universe! And soon Mike will use this knowledge to help his old friend get what he most desires back. The woman he loves.

Mike checks his watch, its 10:30 am. Jerry will be here any minute. When he reaches the REG's and checks what their readings are he smiles. The final piece has clicked into place. Soon the whole world will be tossed upside when his findings become public. Man has finally done it. With these thoughts in mind he heads over to the front door where for some inexplicable reason he knows his friend is walking up the stairs to.

As Jerry goes to knock it opens before his fist reaches the door. Surprised Jerry looks up to see Mike holding the door open for him.

" What a coincidence me just showing up to see you and you just leaving", Jerry says smiling.

"I'm not leaving", Mike said.

"Huh? Then what are you doing at the door"

" I came to let you in"

"How did you know I was here? Did they install cameras out here since the last time I was here?"

"Nope… I just knew you were, so I came and opened the door that's all"

"Okay now you're creeping me out a little bit, how did you know, are you all of a sudden psychic?"

"All in due time my friend. Come on in out of the cold"

As Jerry follows Mike in, he can feel the hairs on the back of his neck begin to stand on end. Mike can get a little strange when he's engrossed in his work, but this was weird even for him. This small exchange put Jerry on guard, he all of a sudden didn't want to be here, childhood friends or not. As they entered the lab He could see signs of Mike's many overnight stays here. He could just imagine how Diane felt about this, let alone the kids. Needless to say the full beard Mike was sporting. He suddenly realized Mike had been talking to him for a couple minutes now, but he wasn't paying attention.

"Sorry Mike say that again I wasn't really listening."

"I was asking have you experienced any strange or completely random acts today? Thing that would have happened without you realizing what was going on at the moment, but you still had the correct answer to?"

"How did you know", Jerry asked?

"How did I know what exactly", Mike wondered.

"Your telling me you didn't know what happened with Ms. Sanchez this Morning?"

"How would I know what happened to Ms. Sanchez this morning?"

"You knew I was here when you shouldn't have been able to know!"

"Touché… You tell me about what happened with Ms. Sanchez and I'll get to the point of why you're here, okay?"

So Jerry tells Mike about the incident with the purse. "Interesting," Mike says" I never thought your reaction to advance time distortion would be so quick….hmmmm?"

"What advance time distortion, and what reaction, and what do you mean so quick?!" Jerry asks in bewilderment. Mike looks deeply into Jerry's eyes as if seeing his old friend for the very first time in a very, very long time.

"Jerry have you paid attention at all to what I've been telling you I've been doing here all these years?"

"Some Mike but to be honest it started to sound so far-fetched I began tuning you out after a while."

"Well what parts did you pay attention to? Explain to me what you do know."

"Well based on the theories of metaphysics and meditation, you know mind over matter, you wanted to see if time travel was possible. But Mike that's just nonsense…"

"Keep explaining!" Mike interrupts.

"Since your experiments with the REG's and cells and matter particles showed that the physical world was affected by thought, you wanted to see if this theory could be applied to time. that's as far as I got"

"That's a good enough starting point." Mike said smiling and nodding his head at Jerry.

"Do you remember Einstein's theory of relativity as it corresponded to time?" Mike asked

"Yeah basically time itself is relative being affect by the perception of the one beholding it. Also that time wasn't so much linear but elliptical, meaning because the universe is curved if you could look far enough in any direction along a time line you could see it all past and future laid out before you."

It never ceased to amaze Mike what his friend actually knew and could comprehend. he probably saw it on Discovery channel and just happened to remember the most basic point of time and space physics, go figure.