
Jerry shouted to him, but he was sure Vrkane wouldn't be able to move fast enough. Then to his amazement Jerry's chrono defense activated inside of Vrkane. He moved so fast that to Jerry it seemed as if he teleported from one spot to the next. "Xyrtec cha nmebt ef chu?!" the attacker yelled. They all looked at him slowly spreading out to surround him. 'Do any of you understand him?', Jerry asked. 'No he makes funny sounds like you with his mouth', they said. 'I need to try and communicate with him. I know he just attacked us, but I need you to relax, show him you don't mean him any harm. I sense that he is alone right now, but I can feel a house not too far from here. Your roar Bengala probably made him think you were going to attack his family. Hopefully I can get him to try not to kill us.' Jerry slowly bent down and laid his staff on the ground, he then raised his hand in a gesture of peace. He locked eyes with the strange man for a while until he slowly lowered his bow. As his bow came down Bengala and Vrkane slowly backed up toward their meals. They went back to eating but they never took their eyes off the stranger. Jerry took a slow deliberate step toward the stranger, pointing at his chest he said, "Jerry, Jerry." He waited a moment then the stranger slowly said, "DjAir-Ry" Jerry nodded his head, "Close enough for now." He point at Bengala and said her name, the waited to see if the stranger would repeat it. "Brehn-Gha-Lha", the stranger said. Bengala looked up and cocked her head a little hearing her name said in such a funny way. "Okay this next one is going to be tricky", point at Vrkane he said his name. The stranger took longer this time clearly having much more difficulty wrapping his tongue around this name. When he finally said it the beginning sounded more like a growl, "Vrrrrah-Ckayn" Vrkane lower his head and covered his ears with his paws whining, hating hearing his name butchered so. Jerry pointed at himself repeating his name again and then pointed to the stranger hoping he understood the question. He quickly shook his head as if remembering he forgot something and pointed to himself saying, "Tu'Xanz" "Two-shons?"', Jerry asked hoping he said it right. Tu'Xanz shrugged his shoulders and moved his head side to side indicating that Jerry was close enough. Jerry laughed to see an expression that reminded him so much of Earth.

Tu'Xanz looked behind Jerry and saw the deer carcass he was skinning before his attack. Seeing Jerry's size and strength and seeing his companions, he knew he wouldn't have won this fight. His biggest advantage was surprise and that didn't even work for him. If they hadn't given up he knew he would be died right now. So as he looked at this beast of a man who was as foreign as anything he has ever seen on this planet, he made a decision. "DjAirry tinga, tinga", Tu'Xanz said gesturing toward himself. Jerry watches him understanding intentions, 'He wants us to follow him. If I guessed right he lives in that house near here and we is offering to take us to his house.' 'Can we trust him?', Bengala asks. 'I think so. I think he was just trying to protect his family from what he thought was a danger to them.', Jerry says. 'I will go but I don't trust him. I will keep a close watch on him', Vrkane said. 'Yes I will follow but I agree with Vrkane. I will keep a look out for more harm.' Bengala said. Jerry looked at Tu'Xanz and pointed to each of them in turn then at Tu'Xanz and shook his head to show they would follow him. Tu'Xanz seeing that Jerry wanted to take the deer with him took a step forward to give him a hand but stopped when he saw Jerry lift it easily onto his shoulder. He didn't even seem as if her were straining. Jerry smiled and nodded his head to show he was ready to go. Jerry watched Tu'Xanz and noticed he made little to no sound as he moved thru the woods. It's no wonder he was able to sneak up on us, he barely disturbs a blade of grass Jerry thought to himself. Bengala and Vrkane moved up to either side of him. 'How far is this house? We have checked but we can't sense it.', Vrkane asked. 'About a mile away.', Jerry replied. He shared a mental image of what he sensed with them, so they knew what distance he meant. Checking the distance with what they could feel Bengala said, 'We can only sense about half that far.' Jerry filed that away for later, he kept his main focus on Tu'Xanz. Even-though he was giving him the benefit of the doubt he wasn't going to walk into a trap also. As their steady pace quickly ate up the distance, they soon found themselves at Tu'Xanz house. Jerry assumed it would be a farm, but he was very surprised to find it was actually a forge. He stopped at the edge of Tu'Xanz property and checked around. His night vision was pretty good, it wasn't as detailed as looking around in daylight, but he could easily identify what he was looking at. To his left over thirty feet from the house and twenty feet from the tree line was the forge. Even from this distance he feel the lingering heat radiating off of it. To the right was a small barn with a small coral attached to it. Jerry could see a couple horses and two cows standing inside. The house was a two story affair with stone walls on the first floor, timber walls on the second, and with a tile roof. In between the house and the barn Jerry could see a small garden. Far to the left about fifty feet from the house was a road that ran past the clearing that Tu'Xanz property sat within. Jerry sent out his senses, but all he could feel was woman and child in the house. Tu'Xanz lead Jerry behind his house where he had a small slaughtering hut set up in the woods behind his home. He encouraged Jerry to leave the deer in there and tried to use gestures to let him know it would be ok. As they walked back toward his house he gestured that barn and then to Vrkane and Bengala to say that they could stay in there. Jerry relayed the message to them. They shared a look then Bengala said, 'We would prefer to stay in the woods. But we won't be very far.'

Jerry nodded to them and watched as they silently disappeared into the night. Tu'Xanz looked at Jerry with a questioning expression, but then shrugged his shoulders as if to say, "oh well". As Jerry followed him into his house the light inside revealed a lot about Tu'Xanz that Jerry didn't notice before. Even-though he looked to Jerry like any other man his complexion was actually a very light gray, and his hair wasn't black but actually a navy blue. His armor that Jerry assumed was a dark leather was actually made of metal. It didn't make any noise when he moved and seemed to bend and flex like clothes would. His bow wasn't made of wood either but the same metal as his armor. Tu'Xanz walked up to a rack a little ways inside the door and placed his bow there. Instead of taking his armor off piece by piece he held his hand on a shelf and the armor flowed off of him into a ball where his hand rested. Under his armor he wore a simple denim colored cotton shirt with dark brown pants, and shin high animal hide boots. He turned to Jerry and gestured for him to stay there. He disappeared down a hall and Jerry could hear him talking to his wife. Their conversation started out quiet but as it dragged on their voices slowly increased in volume. The conversation lasted more than twenty minutes making Jerry feel very uncomfortable standing in the entryway. He was about to leave and find his family in the woods when Tu'Xanz returned and beckoned for Jerry to follow him. As Jerry walked down the hall after him he was surprised to see a bathroom on his left. The clothing and lifestyle of the people on this planet may be Medieval in comparison to the time period Jerry was from but at least they had indoor plumbing. "Yaaay!!", Jerry thought to himself with a small chuckle. Tu'Xanz looked over his shoulder to see what the noise Jerry made was about, but Jerry just waved him off shaking his head at the same time. They stepped into a large room that took up half of the house. Directly across from the doorway they entered from was a large fireplace with a cobble stone hearth, with a rough hued lumber mantle. Above the mantle was a large painting of Tu'Xanz and his family. To the left was the kitchen and dining room area, where Tu'Xanz wife and daughter sat at the table looking nervously in Jerry's direction. They looked like they expected him to lunge across the room and attack them at any second. Jerry tried to put a disarming smile on his face, and his wife smiled back, but Jerry could tell she was still afraid. Jerry took a second to look around. To his right was a seating area with couch, two chairs, a coffee table, and area rug. The décor was simple yet elegant lending it a certain country chic. He started to walk over toward one of the chairs to sit down when Tu'Xanz grabbed his arm and pointed toward one of the chairs at the kitchen table. Jerry wanted to avoid that because he didn't want to frighten his family anymore then his presence already did. When he sat down he pulled the chair away from the table and left it that way to show he meant no harm to the wife and daughter. Tu'Xanz pointed to Jerry and for the benefit of his wife and daughter said," Djerry" Then he pointed to his wife and said, " Mel'Imba, Mel'Imba." Jerry repeat, "Mel eemba" She nodded her head with a more genuine smile this time, happy he got her name right. Next Tu'Xanz pointed to his daughter and said her name, "Yen'Shamillia, Yen'Shamillia." Jerry looked at him as if to say, " seriously you want me to say that mouthful!" But he just shook his head and gave it his best try, "Yen-Sham- ill-yah?" Yen'Shamillia covered her mouth laughing to hear her name sound so silly to her own ears. Just as the introductions where ending and everyone was starting to feel more comfortable with each Vrkane killed the mood. There are ten men with weapons trying to surround the house now. Just thought you might want to know....'