God helped me forge my armor 2

Tu'Xanz nodded and grabbed his tongs with both hands. The first orb he pulled out of the coals glowed a bright white. As soon as he placed it on the anvil Jerry opened up his first chakra point and started to slowly pour energy onto the glowing orb. Jerry had a very specific design in mind for his armor and was so focused on that that he barely registered Tu'Xanz striking the metal right in front of him. After and indeterminable time period for Jerry, it could have been a couple minutes or a couple hours, he heard Mel'Imba say he could open his second point. Soon as he did he no longer felt a resistance from the metal. It began to absorb the energy as fast he could feed it. And that's exactly like what he felt like he was doing feeding it, and it was very hungry. He didn't need Mel to tell him he could open the rest of his points. He quickly got a feel for what was right and knew when to feed it more and more. Jerry found himself sweating profusely and having a hard time breathing, he started hearing a ringing in his ears that wasn't from Tu'Xanz striking the metal. He could feel his armor was close to completion, he just need to give it a little more he dug as deep as he could and realized he still had one more chakra point to open. He could barely hear Mel screaming for him to stop but knew it would be ok. This is what his armor needed to be complete, just a little more. When he opened his last point time stood still. Jerry looked up to see Tu'Xanz frozen mid-strike. He had sweat dripping off his face and arms. Mel'Imba was frozen mid-scream, she was trying to push thru Jerry energy field to stop him. Then he saw a bright flash next to the door, and God was standing there. "You have done what shouldn't have been possible. You accessed and ability that Orion cut you off from. This complicates things."

"Why was I cut off from my abilities? I thought I was supposed to learn to control my abilities here?"

"You are but your main focus here was to learn to fight and protect yourself. The dangers you will face in the future will kill you easily if you are not fully prepared. You pushed yourself to your limits making that armor. This planet has more aether then Earth does. Your body isn't prepared to hold that much energy. The only thing that saved your life is your connection to your bonded. They helped share the load of your magical burden. Your friends here share your burden as well. You do understand what that means?"

"Yes I have bonded them as well haven't I. That's why we are connected the way we are. Why they accepted me so quickly. I didn't know I was putting them in danger. I was so focused on placing energy in my armor. I will apologize as soon as I finish this. And I will explain this to them."

"One of the reasons I have allowed you to continue to exist is because I see great potential in you. There is a great cataclysm that can possibly end all time itself. All these people you have grown to love will cease to exist if you fail. I tell you this, so you can understand exactly what I require of you. You must improve, you must continue to push your limits as you have here. But not just mental but physical limits also. You must be the best you, you can achieve. The you that can save all those you love and bring back the ones you lost."

"I will, I swear it. I won't stop till I have my family back in my arms." Jerry said feeling his zeal to save his family re-ignite within his heart.

"This ability will be a distraction for now. I am going to block it again, but I will return it to you when you have need of it again."

With that God left in a flash of light that traveled from where he was standing next to the door and into Jerry's armor filling it with energy and completing the spell Jerry started. As soon as the armor was full time returned back to normal. Tu'Xanz struck the glowing orb one more time. Mel'Imba stumbled into Jerry no longer finding resistance from his energy shield. Everyone looked at the orb and was astonished by what they felt. The energy level was astronomical and even though it was no longer hot it still glowed with an inner light. Jerry was so excited and yet very nervous at the same time. His hand slowly inched closer to the orb. Tu'Xanz put his hammer down and slowly moved away from his anvil as if the orb was a snake he was scared would strike him if he moved to fast. Tu'Xanz made it over to Mel'Imba and was holding her hand tightly by the time Jerry actually touch the orb. Jerry cried out but not in pain but in pure shock. As the orb spread out from his hand cover his body the sensation at first as cold as ice. After it felt like he plunged himself into a frozen lake, a warming sensation followed quickly behind it. From Tu'Xanz and Mel'Imba it looked as if a liquid mirror completely encased Jerry and then turned a solid black. He was stationary for so long the husband and wife started to fear it had killed him. Then it slowly started to morph and take a different form. It formed a helm that connected to the torso in the back. The pauldrons had spike that extended out about five inches. The vambrace and gauntlet had spikes as well. The armor covered him like a second skin. He felt the spell inside the armor activate, increasing his speed, strength, and stamina tenfold. With the helm over his eye it gave him a window view like you would have in a heads up display. It gave him a map of his location and if he were being attacked it would highlight and give him the location of them in comparison to his position. As he looked at himself he pictured himself in normal clothes like what Tu'Xanz was wearing. His armor morphed into navy blue cotton shirt, and black linen pants, with black leather boots. The amazing thing was he could still feel his spells activated. He made sure he deactivated them before he moved around too much because he didn't want to hurt himself or any of his friends in this confined space. "Why don't we go outside and see exactly what we have created?" Jerry suggested.

As they stood in the yard Jerry morphed his armor back and forth between metal and clothing. He was even able to absorb it into his skin to leave parts of himself naked. He tried a strength test by seeing how high he could jump. He was able to clear the tallest tree which stood eighty feet tall. He used time dilation to slow his fall and not leave a large crater in the ground. Even without the helmet in place he could increase his sight and hearing. His speed was increased to the point that he became blur running around the house. And the stamina increase allowed him to do that without feeling tired. He felt they could run for a couple days before he began to tire.

"So what happened when you were creating this magnificent armor? Unlike mine yours seems to have fused with your body." Tu'Xanz asked

"Yeah and what was that crazy energy spike there at the end? I have never been able to place that much energy in anything I have made." Mel'Imba wondered as well.

"I was visited by the deity from my world. He informed me of somethings that were required of me. He also told me I had pushed too hard and would have harmed myself if weren't for my bonded sharing some of the burden of carrying the energy required to fill my armor." Jerry looked at them sheepishly and continued, "It required the help of all of you. And at the end I believe God help us out, so we wouldn't be harmed by the energy backlash. He filled it the rest of the way to complete the process."

"So... that is... divine armor....!" Tu'Xanz said in awe, "I helped to create divine armor. Woohoo!!" Tu'Xanz yelled triumphantly, pumping his fist in the air

"That explains the energy spike at the end. It was incredible, you must have an extremely deity where you are from." Mel marveled.

"Well he is the God the one who created everything..." Jerry started to say but then shook that off, "But you guys are understanding everything I said. I've bonded you, your whole family. I don't know how this is going to affect us, how it will affect you. I feel terrible." Jerry looked at them dejected, but they just looked back with a smile on their faces.

"We have known this for a couple days now. Its fine with us. We know you didn't do it on purpose since it's not something you can control. And we also look at it as a sign that you feel we are family. We see how deeply you love and care for Kane and Gala, and if you feel the same way about our family then we are honored to be a part of yours."

Jerry didn't know what to say. He was so touched by their love and acceptance of him. He felt he had a home here, but he was also sadden to know he would have to leave it very soon to finish his mission. So he did what he did with Kane and Gala and opened himself up to his bond. He was immediately shocked at the difference this time. Xanz and Mel both gasped at the raw power and emotion that poured into them thru the bond. Yen could be heard laughing from the house, she was just tickled pink by what she felt. Kane and Gala where already on their way back, and they sent their love and reassurance that they were ok thru the bond. God had truly given him an amazing gift. His contribution increased his already substantial power many fold and gave him a level of experience and control it would have taken him years to master. He could only wonder at what dangers lay ahead that God would feel this was necessary for his survival.

Jerry went into the house and returned with his spear. He took the two teeth off of his spear and handed them to Xanz. "I want to incorporate these into my new weapons. They are from Kane and Gala's mothers and I want them to be a part of my arsenal."

"What did you have in mind." Xanz asked

"Something that will strike fear in my opponents just looking at it." Jerry said with killer intent in his eyes.