New Gear

Jerry, Kane and Gala stood under the noonday sun sweat pouring off of them. They were panting heavily, standing ten feet apart forming a triangle in the front yard. They each wore their armor, black metal glistening. Jerry had his new weapons Backbone and Dismay in his hands. Backbone upon completion grew a row of teeth-like spikes along the back edge of the sword. Both swords were solid black, except for Backbone's spikes. Each blade is three feet long that tapers from eight inches wide at the pommel to a curved tip at the top. Jerry can create scabbards for them anywhere he wants on his armor, or he can absorb them into his armor, making them appear at will. After six straight hours of sparing he was starting to feel he was at his limit. Kane and Gala were wearing their armor also. Jerry had each of them work with Tu'Xanz to not only design, but also to add the energy needed to craft it. Kane and Gala's armor came out the same. It has pauldron, breastplate, vambrace, and gauntlets. The cuisse is not a full leg guard, it's more of a side shield that connects to the poleyn, greaves, and sabatons. The only difference between the two is that Gala's didn't have a plackart leaving her stomach area exposed. Their gauntlets had retractable claws that they used as weapons in combat. Their armors morphed with them as they shifted between animal and hybrid forms growing tail armor that ended in a spiked mace at the tip. They had spent the last two days training in their new armor, getting used to the feel of moving in it. The armor was surprisingly light and felt more like clothing then an actual armor. Jerry was in no way a warrior in the traditional sense, but his father wanted him to be able to defend himself growing up, so he placed him in martial arts classes at an early age. He didn't advance past his blue belt but what he could remember from those childhood classes combined with his new speed and strength gave him enough skill to hold his own against Kane and Gala. Their natural predator instincts gave them a distinct fighting advantage.

Mel'Imba came out calling them to lunch. They all dismissed their armor and went inside to wash up. Having new family staying with them gave Tu'Xanz the motivation to finally finish the second floor. With Jerry helping out with the work around the house and in the forge he had more time on his hands. The attacks had increased some but with Jerry or the animals advance warning it made those less of a burden then in the past. Jerry was still learning to use his magic with Mel'Imba and even Yen'Shamillia was helping Jerry to learn to read and write their language of Ranizi.

Jerry was so focused on his mission that he wasn't thinking clearly for a while and it took one night of planning his next move to make him realize there was a lot he didn't know about where he was. His ring allowed him to speak the language but that was it. He not only didn't know what language he was speaking but he realized he didn't even know the name of the planet he was on. He had no way of researching any information on his lost friend if he couldn't read any books that might help him. Tu'Xanz had offered to go with him to help him out, but with the increase in attacks on his home, Jerry didn't feel comfortable taking him away from his family.

So when they sat down for lunch Jerry continued his lessons. He first had to create a small shield around himself that just covered his body and nothing else. He had gotten comfortable enough that he could do it without using his entire focus to control it. While he was doing this Yen'Shamillia would quiz him on what he learned already.

"What is the name of our planet?" Yen'Shamillia asked.

"Sanscaria" Jerry replied

"Good, now what continent do we live on?"

"The northwestern continent of Centuuria."

"What is the name of the five kingdoms and which one do we live in?"

"The kingdoms from west to east are Tenchala, made up of the warrior tribes, and the third largest in size. The next is northeast of Tenchala and is Köph which is a merchant society and the smallest kingdom size wise. South of Köph is Lavancia the jungle nation of female warriors. East of them is Sforn the second largest kingdom and biggest threat to this kingdom, having waged a stalemate of a war for the last ten years. And final the kingdom of Alturio the largest kingdom occupying the entire eastern third of the continent."

"Very good!" Mel complemented, "You have picked up a lot in just three weeks' time. You should be able to head to the capital soon, which is...?"

"The capital of Alturio is Naventura. And I must admit with the attacks coming almost daily it worries me to leave you guys with less hands to help out." Jerry said.

"Well thanks to our bond with you we all have been feeling stronger, and Mel and Yens have stronger powers to use. As a family we are more than a match for anything that greedy knight can throw at us." Tu'Xanz said

"My concern is how can he afford to keep hiring mercenaries to come after you. How wealthy is this knight?" Jerry asked

"He comes from a very wealthy noble family, so money is no object for him." Tu'Xanz answered.

"Is there nothing that can be done? I'll be heading to the capital soon is there someone I can report this injustice to?" Jerry asked concerned for his new family.

"I have been thinking about this and I think there is a way to get you to see the king, who you can report this to, get you some coin to be able to pay for a place to stay in the city, and allow you to research the royal libraries and find the information you need to find Mike. I have a shipment of blades and armor that you have helped me to complete months ahead of schedule. I will write you a letter explaining that you are a journey apprentice of mine making the delivery on my behalf. That will get you in to see the king. He always wants to inspect the craftsmanship personally. I will tell him to give you the payment personally letting him know that you did most of the work on this shipment yourself. And since you did it will not be a lie. The king owes me a favor or two, so I will tell ask him if you can you his library to do some research while you're in town. I don't foresee him saying no to this simple request. I will also tell him that I will have another shipment to bring to him in a month. That will keep him very happy and more inclined to agree to my request for help for you."

"Wow that's great. I can't thank you guys enough for everything you have done for me since I've been here. You truly have accepted me as a part of your family. I don't know how I could ever repay such kindness." Jerry said once again heart welling up with emotion.

Mel looked at Jerry with tearful eyes feeling his love for them in their bond. "The Walax family has considered you one of us from day one. You are a part of our family now and forever."