Commander Tiberius Stoneham awoke in a strange bed in a strange room. He tried to move his body to look around, but nothing would work. He used his eyes to search the room seeing newly hung post and beam timber. He could still smell the sawdust from the freshly cut lumber. The varnish applied to the ceiling slats still looked sticky from his view of them. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and flinched thinking he was being attacked. When the strike he expected didn't come he managed to move his head just enough to see it was the curtains fluttering in the evening breeze. He should be dead he thought to himself, he closed his eyes to try and remember what happened. Tiberius remembered coming to the farm and watching the behemoth and his pets practicing. He could see he had skill, but Tiberius knew he was a better swordsman. His twenty years of mercenary experience vastly surpassed that monsters abilities. So how did he lose and who saved his life. As he thought back he remembered the challenge and the opening exchange between the two of them. He saw his first opening and he took it, but somehow he deflected my blow. He recalled the behemoth releasing his swords. He had gotten cocky and I saw my chance to end him, then he just disappeared. The rest came to Tiberius as if it were and out of body experience. He saw himself ducking, then saw the glancing blow off the top of his head. The scene shifted and then freeze framed on the kick to his mid-section. Then the action seemed to speed up and it strobed by pausing on the different times he struck Tiberius. Then it replayed itself in his mind at full speed. As he glimpsed it again he realized the behemoth slowed down a fraction right before he hit him. The cocky bastard was pulling his punches. As much as it infuriated him to know that he wasn't considered worthy of that freaks best, he was also awed by what he saw. He had finally found a man worth trying to kill. As the commander tried to sit up again he collapsed back down to the bed releasing a loud moan of pain. His muscles twitched and spasmed causing him to squirm and moan in pain.
Mel'Imba came rushing in and grabbed the pitcher lying next to his bed. She helped prop him up, so he could drink without choking. Not knowing who she was or what was in the pitcher, Tiberius tried to struggle against her.
"It's ok... it's just water and something to help you sleep. Your safe here, please just relax..." Mel'Imba said soothingly trying to calm him down.
When Tiberius looked up he saw the most beautiful elfin maiden he had ever seen. Her gray skin color was a dead giveaway to her race. Her long white hair flowed down toward him like a suspended white shower. He was so mesmerized by her beauty he lost his will to fight her and allowed her to pour the sleeping draught down his throat. As it took effect he tried to memorize her features as his heavy lids slid closed. Her twinkling cornflower blue eyes, her dimples when she smiled. She reminded him so much of Cas'Nada. He fell asleep with long forgotten memories turning into dreams.
Mel'Imba closed the new yellow oaken door and turned to address the crowd standing in the hall, "He's ok I gave him something to take the pain away and help him sleep." As everyone turned to go back downstairs Mel'Imba turned to Jerry, "This is a good time to teach you how to heal properly." she grabbed Jerry by the arm and led him back into his room. As they approached the bed he was shocked at how much the commander's face was swollen. As he drew near he wanted nothing more than to reverse what he had done to this man. Jerry laid his hands on the commander and started pouring energy into him. The commander started screaming as Mel'Imba yelled at Jerry, "Stop! What are you doing? You will kill him if you keep this up!" Jerry stopped looking at her apologetically. "You have to do this slowly. First you need to use your energy and just picture him, looking for his injuries." As Jerry did as he was told and allowed his energy to surround the commander. He was given an image in his mind of the commander, but he could see thru his skin to the muscle and bone underneath. If he wanted to, he could even see down to the blood vessels in his skin. He thought to himself ' Look Ma I'm a walking MRI' His chuckle quickly faded as he focused on the damage done, and he was disgusted at what he saw. The commander had a broken cheek bone, broken clavicle, the last five ribs on each side were broken, and punctured lungs. His right humorous was broken, his left radius, and both femur and tibia were broken. The broken blood vessels and bruising all over his body was the icing on the cake.
Jerry felt inhuman. How could he possibly do that much damage to another human being? When he was a kid and was just starting to gain muscle on his body he inadvertently hurt his cousin. His cousin had been picking on him and Jerry lost his temper. He ended up shoving his cousin away from him. He didn't mean for it to be as hard as it was, but his cousin lost his balance tumbling backwards. He stuck out his hand to try and catch himself not knowing he was close to the window. His hand went through the window slicing his fingers and his palm, requiring stitches. From that moment on Jerry always held himself back from using his full strength when other people were involved. Ever since he had come to this planet it's like this primal side he never knew existed was slowly being let loose. He would have to work out a way to protect himself and those he loved and not lose himself to this rage building inside him. Mel'Imba seeing he had completed what she asked interrupted his thoughts with more instructions.
"Now that you can see the individual damage, see the damage repairing itself as you slowly pour SMALL amounts of energy into the healing process." Mel'Imba coached him. After everything he had already done with magic it never ceased to amaze him what was possible. As he watched the commander's body mend itself he was relieved to know he could fix some of his mistakes. As muscles healed and ruptured blood vessels closed he was reminded of his hasty actions. 'If I don't learn to control my powers I can inadvertently do more harm than good.' Jerry thought to himself. Now that he could read the books in the house he was going to see if Mel'Imba had any on learning basic magic. Mel'Imba told him he did a good job he released his energy and they quietly left the room. When they got downstairs Yens, Kane, and Gala were at the table playing games, while Xanz was cooking dinner. Kane and Gala were staying in their humanoid forms more and eating inside with the family. Yens took pride in teaching them proper edicate and manners. Even though they ate and spent time indoors more they still preferred to sleep outside in their animal forms.
Jerry took this time to ask about a book on basic magic. She gave him three different ones focusing on basic, intermediate, and advanced spell knowledge. She told him to keep them because she had other copies of the same books in her room. Jerry quickly lost track of time and was surprised when a plate was set before. The food smelled wonderful and his stomach agreed very loudly, causing everyone to look his way and laugh. The table was set, and everyone was about to dig in when Jerry, Kane and Gala wiped their heads around toward the doorway leading from the front of the house. Tiberius was slowly shuffling in leaning very heavily on the door frame.