Champion Battle 2

Just as Vaxshur, Manticor, and Leon were getting in position to attack Diane at the same time Nisse caused vines to grow from the seeds she had been spreading around the arena as she was flying. The vines wrapped around Vaxshur and Leon's legs and neck holding them in place. She then cause new vines to grow from the ground. These new vines had hard wooden balls with large sharp thorn sprouting from them, they looked like a sick twisted horticultural version of a flail. Nisse used these to sadistic efficiency pummeling her opponents senseless. The vines that wrapped around Manticor pulled her to the ground, but the venom dripping from her mouth quickly ate thru them allowing her to break free, shaking her insectoid head she flew back into the air swaying as she went.

Diane took advantage of the distraction charging forward putting her full weight and strength into it. Putting her right fist into her left palm, she braced her left arm against her body and thrust her right elbow out smashing into Vaxshur's stomach with all her might. The blow torn Vaxshur free of the vines and sent him thru the air to crash into the wall of the arena. Vaxshur got up and bellowed in rage. Who was puny female human who thinks she can stand before Vaxshur's might. Vaxshur charged again and Diane dropped low under his grasping arms avoiding getting trapped in a bear hug from the reptilian monstrosity. She swung her left leg out tripping Vaxshur, his forward momentum was too much for him to arrest. As he left his feet and started flying thru the air, Diane grabbed him by his feet. As she spun him faster and faster in a circle she released him straight up into the air. Diane jumped into the air after him, as soon as she was level with Vaxshur in the air she proceeded to unload punches and kicks that hit with enough force to make people in the crowd cringe, she finished him off with an ax kick to the top of his head. The force of the blow knocked the reptoid unconscious, leaving him in a heap on the ground.

Leon froze the vines holding him and broke free of Nisse trap. But before he could attack Diane, Gar came charging in to join the fight. His slow walk started to gain speed as his body morphed. He was no long walking on four legs but was running on two human looking legs. His torso elongated, and his front legs became arms. His mouth stretched out and looked more like an alligators mouth. He ran arms spread and mouth open scooping up Leon and throwing him toward where Vaxshur lay on the ground. Leon's feline reflexes kicked in causing Leon to flip in the air and landing on his feet. Leon quickly sprung forward mouth wide intent on biting off Gar's leg. Gar flipped in the air somersaulting over Leon's head landing on Leon's back. Gar grabbed Leon in a headlock and wrestled him to the ground. As Leon weakened from lack of oxygen, Gar picked him up by his head and flung him over his shoulder thru the air to land near Vaxshur on the ground. Leon was too weak to land on his feet again, so he bounced and slid across the ground. From his open mouth Gar launched a fireball that had three outer rings of lightening orbiting around it. Leon seeing the attack coming tried to create and ice shield around him, but it wasn't strong enough. The flash from the explosion was so bright it blinded everyone for a few seconds. Then the sound and the blast could be felt thru the arena's barrier protections by those closest to it. The shield spared Leon's life, but he was out cold lying next to Vaxshur.

After blinking the after images of the bright flash from her eyes, Nisse knew it was her turn to really show what she was worth. Manticor was still dazed from the explosion, and her multi-faceted insectoid eyes couldn't focus properly. Nisse started drawing power from Diane and Gar. She dropped down like a streak using the added power to increase her speed exponentially. She flew circles around Manticor bringing the circles tighter and tighter creating a vortex around the now helpless mantis. When the vortex became a cocoon holding her incapacitated, Nisse added fire to it creating a tomb of fire around Manticor. Manticor's exoskeleton was protecting her some but she couldn't breathe and was fighting just to stay conscious. Nisse flew back and up to gain a little distance then utilizing the rest of the power she borrowed she fortified her body and her strength. Nisse flew forward and delivered the mightiest punch of her life ending the battle and putting Manticor out of her misery.

There was a long pause with Diane, Nisse, and Gar standing there covered in sweat and panting. Soon the crowd was on their feet chanting their names and hooting and hollering. Diane and Nisse looked to the balcony where Calypso and Martania sat to see their reaction to their fight. Both were disappointed to see the seats empty and the door closing behind them. Diane and Nisse felt deep resentment and anger at them. They couldn't even be bothered to congratulate them on their win. But then they looked up to the crowd and were quickly caught up in the adulation's of the crowd. They all raised their hands and the crowd went even wilder.

"It would seem that our goddess Calypso was not one to disappoint! Her new champions have shown us they are not to be trifled with!", Manalin said flying down to hover before the trio. Gar who was sitting down next to Diane's right leg started making an airy hissing sound. The more Manalin hovered in front of them the louder he got. "What is wrong with you Gar? Your being annoying", Diane yelled at him. "I just feel so sorry for his poor wings. They must be working so hard to keep his fat ass in the air like that!", Gar balled rolling on the ground openly laughing out loud now. Diane kicked him to shut him up and focused her attention back on Manalin who was looking at them questioningly with a raised eyebrow.

"If you will follow me I will explain to you how things work here in the Arena. One of the biggest contributors of commerce in the city of Urenhiem is the gambling done here at the arena. The palace allows us to function day to day as long as they receive their twenty percent of all pay outs at the end of each day. They also tax all winners twenty percent to insure they are always receiving money from any action here. The gambling is so prevalent that many of the nobles have viewing screens to watch battles from the luxurious comfort of their estates. When there is a particularly special event they will host parties to flaunt their wealth before their peers, each trying to outdo the other in pure opulence. They will host private bets amongst themselves that grow to amounts many would consider a small fortune or a king's ransom so to speak." Manalin said waving his hand as these large sums of money he spoke of were a mere trifle to him. He had been leading them thru the tunnels of the arena that had branched off to the right and away from the sitting area they had waited in before their match. Manalin kept speaking over his shoulder as if he were a tour guide informing them of the significance of a historical site.

"The nobles have slaves whose sole purpose is to run the details of the bets back to the arena to be officially sanctioned. These bets once sanctioned become legal grounds for court proceedings. At the end of any given day all bets must be honored, which means all funds must be paid in full, win or lose all money must exchange hands no exceptions. If anyone reneges on an official bet they can be taken to court and if they don't have the money to pay their debt they will be thrown in jail and their possession will be turned over to who they owed money to. I tell you all of this so that you understand the importance of placing a bet here in the arena. Many people have lost their livelihood and become destitute because of ill-informed gambling choices. I also explain this to so because there is another aspect of the arena financial forum you will find interesting. Whenever a bet is placed against you and you win you win a portion of that bet. Since the Goddess Calypso made quite the announcement about your arrival and set the special circumstances for your battle many, many people had time to place wagers against you. Many nobles hosted parties in your honor so to speak and a vast majority of the bets were not in your favor. So as it stands you winning today has won you a hefty king's ransoms. Your winnings total three hundred thousand gold pieces each. Congratulations you three are now among an elite few of wealthy inhabitants in Urenhiem. Nisselila's Aunt Patrice took the liberty of opening accounts at the King's Bank for you. She is waiting at the exit with all pertinent paper work for you." Manalin turned around with a smug smile on his face enjoying the looks of utter disbelief on the faces of the trio.

As they followed Manalin through the underground corridors of the arena a mysterious figure stepped out of a shadowed corridor stopping Manalin and leaning to whisper into his ear. Manalin didn't seem surprised by his sudden presence. Whoever this person was they wore dirty tattered robes that covered their body from head to toe. Deep shadows under their hood hid their eyes from view. Their voice was muffled from the cloth covering their nose and mouth. When they were done whispering in Manalin's ear, Manalin and the stranger glanced at Gar then before leaving just a quietly and as suddenly as they arrived. Gar growled as his eyes followed the stranger's back retreat down the dark hallway. As they group continued toward the exit everyone waited expectantly for Manalin to explain the hell that was all about. The hum from the lights overhead was the only sound besides their footfalls. When they got to the end of the they turned left, and twenty feet ahead was an archway leading outside. The sun was bright in a nearly cloudless sky. Before heading through the archway Manalin stopped in the and faced the trio again. "After you meet with Patrice you will have about six hours before your next match. It will be a single person match. I would recommend that Nisselila and Gar purchase some armor and weapons. Fighting without none in the upcoming rounds will put you at a severe disadvantage. Gar our silent messenger asked for me to direct you to Wizard Ren's-"

"Don't waste your time," Gar said interrupting Manalin, "If I see him I'm not sure I could restrain myself from killing him on sight...."

"He thought you might say something like that, so he told me to say and I quote: Your sister is with me, even though your life-line seems very long I found the missing piece. Whatever that means, but I can have an arena slave show you the way."

"That's ok I can find my own way." Gar growled brushing pass Manalin on his way out. Manalin's instructions to the rest of the group faded as Gar marched himself through the streets of Urenhiem. How dare Ren threaten his sister? Gar closed his eyes and allowed his sense of smell to drift out. The people and business that were right on top of each other blended together to make a pungent aroma that initially overwhelmed him. Fighting back nausea Gar used his heightened senses to filter thru the smells until he found the one he was looking for.