Chapter 117

Ibro questioned him in doubt:

"If he can contact his other-selves in the parallel worlds, then why didn't you use this ability too to change your fate?"

"I didn't gain this ability except after my loss. I fought him and lost. I lost everything. When I gained my ability I tried to contact my other selves to warn them. But I found everyone had already lost.

Everyone lost except you. I don't know why you specifically are way slower than us, but you still have a chance. This enemy is very dangerous."

"Can you tell me more info about him? Why is such a strong man after me? At least tell me his name."

"I can't tell you his name. If I said it, he would know and that would attract his attention to here. He is really a strong opponent. He will try everything in his hand to kill you.

You will know the answer to the reason behind his assault towards you later in the future. I'm not the person who is supposed to tell you the truth."