Chater 145

Ibro didn't understand these monsters' strategy so she continued to explain:

"If our empire lasts for a long time without an emperor, our power will decrease with time. That will be in the best interest of these monsters."

"Then why didn't they try and eliminate all of you?"

"That option isn't available for them. If they did that, then our supreme council will change the way to choose the next emperor.

They want to keep this current situation for as long as they can. Their best option is to hinder our own steps in this world as long as possible."

Ibro felt his previous thoughts were really naive. These monsters were really so clever. They chose the most suitable approach for them. He looked at Noda.

Unlike her brother, she was really gentle like a spring warm breeze. She was so fragile and weak right now. He felt deep sympathy towards her. If he was at her place he would feel hopeless like that.