Chapter 168

Ibro gnashed his teeth. This greedy soul stone had a big appetite. He was sure that one fifth or less from this long list would be enough for it to heal more than 10% of her injuries.

'I can't have them all. Can you select the lowest amount that you need to be able to make the second space?'

'I recommend that you get all of them. These materials can heal nearly 50% of my injuries. This opportunity is rare.'

Ibro knew she was speaking logically but he stressed on this matter by asking:

'Can you select the least amount of this list? I will try to get all of them but in case I couldn't get all of them I needed to get at least the needed amount for you.'

'You can get half of this list then.'

'Fine, I will get you half of it.'

Ibro knew that this request had some exaggeration from Gozline, but he really couldn't get all of these items. Their final cost might reach 100 billion gold coins at least.