Entering WAR

Ibro remembered the info he knew about this war. The opposite enemy is called 'Defarot'. That was strange, as he knew these monsters came from Moleece Empire. Ibro felt confused.

Were these monsters from Defarot and they supported Moleece Empire? Or there was another hidden mastermind behind all of them? Ibro didn't know the answer and he doubted Dronil even knew it.

It wasn't time for such thoughts as the war in front of him was in a very hot state. These huge silent monsters were trying to hit the walls and soldiers on it. The first difference

Ibro noticed them that they didn't use their big mouths to eat the walls, but they launched a ray of light that cause serious damage to the walls and killed many soldiers.

On the other hand, the Hilonar army wasn't that passive either. Ibro saw uncountable rocks that had the same pattern as his that was launched against these monsters.