Emperor Supreme Rule System 3

Ibro didn't get the whole idea of that system and order. He asked:

'What is the benefit I would get from it then?'

'Your current low power at the soul cultivation holds you back. You need to raise your strength at soul cultivation. During your training, I will support you with my stored energy to speed up your training process.

The more energy you store, the faster your rising will be. During this, every time you pass a minor stage in the soul cultivation system you will gain 5 more Omega energy balls.

Every one major stage you pass, you will have double the amount of Omega energy ball than the previous major stage. Your beginning now is 256 Omega balls. Keep the hard work system holder.'

'Does that mean I'm a cultivator now?' Ibro asked at once about this confusing issue.

'No, you are a system holder.' The system replied at once.