Chapter 258

There was hardly any strong opponent in these huge armies. Ibro wasn't surprised by this fact. He knew that the northern lord had gathered the strongest men with him and divided them on his two armies. 

As all of the two armies had been wiped out, what remained now were only the mere soldiers. Ibro didn't underestimate them though. Soldiers were pawns that followed the orders of the lord. 

If he gave the northern house a chance to choose a new lord, then all of these weak soldiers would turn into ferocious lions. The battle continued for three days. 

During this period, Ibro had collected his desired 1 million SPR units and got an additional 500k units. He had already gathered enough SPR stones that he needed to buy the god-like scout ability. 

He didn't unlock it though as he wanted to finish this war. After three days, the numbers of the NPCs army had begun to shrink. Gorsag and Erond had delivered news from the game forums.