Ibro listened to this fiend while his mind was blown off from what he just heard. This fiend had just told him a lot of valuable info. Demon energy and demons spells were essential parts of his power, he would never allow them to disappear.

He needed demon energy to form his soul sea energy, which in turn was a critical part to form his ultimatum energy. As Ren instructed before through his scattered heritage, this energy was the main component in forming the humain energy.

Without it, Ibro would lose his way. These demons were trying to deprive humans of their potential future. If Ibro didn't know all of these secrets, he would consider letting go of this energy.

How cunning these demons were, they tried to be friendly and peace lovers while in fact, they were murderers and evildoers. The most important secret Ibro got from this fiend's mouth was regarding other system holders.