Ibro looked at this long list with pride, the more he read the more excited he became. After he finished, he said:

'Can I learn all of them now?'

'Yes, you have enough PSR crystals to learn them, but you will need more to use them properly in battles.'

Ibro was excited at the moment, so he didn't concern himself by the amount of PSR orbs needed to use all of these curses. 

He had a huge demon farm with countless demon gates in his world. He could obtain the PSR orbs and crystals he wished for any time he wanted.

'I want to learn all of them now.'

Ibro then felt like a stream of data had been opened into his mind. He stood still for a few minutes before he regained his focus again. 

He knew more details now about these curses, as all the summoned skeletons had ranks and the amount of PSR energy needed to use them.