Maya used her divine sense to spot the two Ibro referred to, as she asked in doubt:

"You didn't come here to ask Randor for his final answer, right?"

"No, I came here to ask him for help, or to be specific I want to ask Emy for help."

Maya looked in doubt towards him as her female instincts rose up without warning. Ibro was oblivious to this as he moved towards that house in the far distance. 

His and Maya's appearance caught the attention of the lovely couple who were sitting in the open air outside that house. As the couple recognized Ibro and Maya, they moved from their place and approached them as well, so both couples met midway from the house.

"Welcome King Ibro, I didn't know you would honor myself today with a visit."

"Hi Randor, I just had some issues and wanted some help from the two of you."

The comfortable look over the couple faces changed abruptly as Randor asked with concern:

"What happened?"