Wang Hao finished outlining all the causes and effects before he laughed and said, "From this point of view, let's not discuss Liu Bei's character for now, but whether it's in 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms' or the historical records, there is a common understanding about Liu Bei, that is, when he was farming during the 'boiled wine at the plum garden' event, he truly did manage to deceive Cao Cao. I already said earlier, who is Cao Cao? His ability to judge people and use them was top-notch during the Three Kingdoms era. Just think, Liu Bei could even fool Cao Cao, to what extent could he have done so? Cao Cao had just finished saying that there were only two heroes in the world, he and I, and then he gave Liu Bei troops to go on campaign. Not to mention anything else, Liu Bei's acting skills must at least be at the level of a Best Actor, right?"
After Wang Hao finished speaking, the room erupted in laughter again—the Best Actor has come out!