Chapter 275 This Lan Zihuang has a strong presence!

"Mr. Wang Hao, I need an autograph so badly!" The female fans who had seen If You Are the One rushed toward him like an avalanche, each with a notebook in hand, "Give me an autograph!" "Give me one too!" "And me, and me!"

Seeing the excited fans, Wang Hao was utterly confused—Shit, I haven't practiced signing autographs!

Sweating profusely, yet Wang Hao quickly regained his composure. He waved at the female fans around him and, with a carefree expression, said, "I'm truly sorry, I never sign autographs for anyone because I don't think I've reached that level yet."

The female fans immediately screamed again—

"Mr. Wang Hao, you're so cool!" "Mr. Wang Hao, you're so humble!" "I love watching your shows, Mr. Wang Hao, you are the best!"

When the reporters outside heard that it was Wang Hao, they swarmed around immediately, and the flashbulbs went crazy!

"Mr. Wang Hao, how do you feel about the high ratings of your show?"